
CVI/LabWindows IVI Class Driver


IviSpecAnMarker Capability Group

C Function Prototype

ViStatus IviSpecAn_ConfigureMarkerFrequencyCounter (ViSession vi, ViBoolean markerFrequencyCounter, ViReal64 frequencyCounterResolution);


This function sets the marker frequency counter resolution and turns the marker frequency counter on/off.


Name Type Description
vi ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the IviSpecAn_init or IviSpecAn_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session.

Default Value: None

markerFrequencyCounter ViBoolean Specifies whether the frequency counter is enabled. The driver uses this value to set the IVISPECAN_ATTR_MARKER_FREQUENCY_COUNTER_ENABLED attribute.

Valid Values: VI_TRUE; VI_FALSE

Default Value: VI_FALSE

frequencyCounterResolution ViReal64 Specifies the frequency counter resolution. The measurement gate time is the reciprocal of the specified resolution. The driver uses this value to set the IVISPECAN_ATTR_MARKER_FREQUENCY_COUNTER_RESOLUTION attribute.

Units: Hertz

Default Value: 1.0 KHz


This value is ignored when the IVISPECAN_ATTR_MARKER_FREQUENCY_COUNTER_ENABLED is False.

Return Values