
CVI/LabWindows IVI Class Driver


IVI Inherent Function

To form the ClassPrefix_ of the function name, use the prefix of the class driver with which you are working. For example, if you are working with the IviDmm class driver, use the prefix IviDmm_ to create the correct function name, IviDmm_error_message.

C Function Prototype

ViStatus ClassPrefix_error_message (ViSession vi, ViStatus errCode, ViChar errMessage[]);


Translates the error Return Values from an instrument driver function to a user-readable string.


Inputs Type Description
vi ViSession The instrument handle that you obtain from the ClassPrefix_init or ClassPrefix_InitWithOptions functions. The handle identifies a particular IVI session.
errCode ViStatus Instrument driver error code
Outputs Type Description
errMessage ViChar array Instrument driver error message. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes.

Return Values