Channel Sub-System
The channel sub-system configures the range of voltages the oscilloscope acquires and how the oscilloscope couples the input signal to the acquisition subsystem. The main channel subsystem attributes include:
All of the channel sub-system attributes are channel-based. They can be set individually or they can be set as a group with the IviScope_ConfigureChannel function.
Channel Sub-System Attributes
The IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_RANGE attribute specifies the absolute value of the range of voltages that the oscilloscope acquires. The IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_OFFSET attribute specifies the center of the range specified by the IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_RANGE attribute with respect to ground. The IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_COUPLING attribute specifies how to couple the input signal to the channel sub-system. The IVISCOPE_ATTR_PROBE_ATTENUATION attribute specifies the scaling factor by which the probe attenuates the input signal. Typically, the value of the IVISCOPE_ATTR_PROBE_ATTENUATION attribute determines the range values the driver accepts for the IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_RANGE and IVISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_OFFSET attributes. The IVISCOPE_ATTR_CHANNEL_ENABLED attribute specifies whether the oscilloscope acquires a waveform for the channel.