Whip Assistant

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Whip Assistant

by EmperorFool

Whip Assistant will tell you how many hammers of overflow you will have if you hurry production by sacrificing your population. The overflow you receive is put towards your next build. So, for example, 'you can whip a library for 2 population with 32 hammer overflow' means that it will take 2 of your population, but you will get the library the next turn, plus 32 hammers to whatever you build next.
Whip Assistant will also add a counter to the city screen telling you how many turns until the unhappiness caused by the whipping will expire.
Furthermore, this mod will display in the Production Bar of City Screen the population cost and the production overflow for whipping and the gold cost for hurrying with cash the production of the item under construction in the city.


The Whip Assistant's features can be enabled in the General tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O) by simple selection of the corresponding checkboxes:
'Whip Assist' will display the Whip Assistant's info in the Production Bar, while 'Anger Counter' will display the Anger Counter.

You can also configure Civ4lerts to give you a alert when a city can whip, or hurry with cash, a build, and how much it will cost, and the amount of hammers you will have for overflow. To do so, you have to enable alerts checking the 'Enable Civ4lerts' checkbox in the Alerts tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O), and then select in the same tab the 'Can Hurry with Population' and the 'Can Hurry with Gold' checkboxes.


Forum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=268

Author: EmperorFool