Unit Naming

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Unit Naming

by ruff_hi

This document explains the unit naming convention used in the BUG Mod.
It documents what is meant to happen, not necessarily what actually happens. If you find a situation where this document differs from the unit name actually generated within the game, then please report it as a bug.

Pressing Alt+Ctrl+N, you'll access a test window, where you can insert a naming convention and see the result applied to the first unit type and the first city you have built (this is why if you have not yet built a unit and a city, the test windows will not work). In the test window there are two "OK" buttons: one of them uses (and increases) the counter, the other doesn't: if you use the counter, the numbers "used" in the test window will not be available anymore in the game for that unit type (unless reloading the game, of course); on the other hand, to test some complex naming conventions, it is useful to use the counter.


This mod can be configured in the Unit Naming tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O).
First of all, you have to enable it selecting the 'Enabled' checkbox.
Then, you can insert your general naming convention in the 'Default' text box and specific naming conventions for each unit type in the text boxes below it; of course, these specific naming conventions will have an higher priority over the general one.
You can also select the 'Use Advanced Methods' checkbox to enable the use of the advanced Era-related setting in the 'Adv Unit Naming.ini' file (to set or change these naming conventions, you have to manually edit this file); when set and enabled, these naming conventions have the highest priority over the general and the unit type ones.

The naming conventions use the following codes:

  • ^civ4^ - no naming convention, uses standard Civ4 names
  • ^rd^ - random name
  • ^rc^ - random civ-related name
  • ^ut^ - Unit Type (eg “Archer”)
  • ^cb^ - Combat Type (eg “Melee”)
  • ^dm^ - Domain (eg “Water”)
  • ^ld^ - Leader
  • ^ct^ - City
  • ^cv^ - Civilization
  • ^cnt[f]^ - count across all units (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntu[f]^ - count across all units of the same type (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntct[f]^ - count across all units of the same city (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntuct[f]^ - count across all units of the same unit and city (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntc[f]^ - count across all units of the same combat type (increments based on combat type)
  • ^cntd[f]^ - count across all units of the same domain (increments based on domain)
  • ^tt1[f][x:y]^ - total (it's a random number between x and y; it is x if y=x)
  • ^tt2[f][x]^ - total (starts at x, incremented by 1 each time tt1 is reset to 1)

There are a lot of number formats; [f] can be:

  • s - silent (not shown)
  • A - upper case alpha (A, B, C, D…)
  • a - lower case alpha (a, b, c, d…)
  • g - greek (alpha, beta, gamma, delta…)
  • p - phonetic (alpha, bravo, charlie, delta…)
  • n - number (1, 2, 3, 4…)
  • o - ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…)
  • r - roman (I, II, III, IV…)
Some number formats (A, a, g, p) have a built in max : in these situations, the numbering loops back to the start. For example, if you ask for the number to be formatted with A (upper case alpha), the 30th unit will be identified with a “D”.

More in details:

This naming convention over-rides all other naming conventions.
The normal Civ4 name should be used, ignoring all other codes.
For example, the naming convention ^civ4^ of ^ct^ will provide as a result the standard name of the unit, and the “of ^ct^” part will be ignored.

This naming convention over-rides nearly all other naming conventions except the ^civ4^ one.
The unit will receive a totally random name, ignoring all other codes.
For example, the naming convention ^rd^ ^cv^ Army will provide as a result a random name, and the “^cv^ Army” part will be ignored.

This naming convention over-rides nearly all other naming conventions except the ^civ4^ and the ^rd^ ones.
The unit will receive a civ-related random name, ignoring all other codes.
For example, the naming convention ^rc^ ^cv^ Army will provide as a result a civ-related random name, and the “^cv^ Army” part will be ignored.

This naming convention assigns to the unit its unit type (eg “Archer”) as a name.

This naming convention assigns to the unit its combat type (ad esempio “Melee”) as a name.

Some examples:

  • ^ut^ (^cv^), if applied to a Roman Archer, will provide as a result “Archer (Roman)”.
  • ^ut^ cnt[r], if applied to the first 2 built units (an Archer and a Warrior), will provide as a result “Archer I” and “Warrior II”; in this case, the count is never reset.
  • ^cnt[A]^ Troop ^tt1[s][2:2]^, if applied to the first 3 built units (an Archer, a Warrior and a Scout), will provide as a result “A Troop”, “B Troop” and “A Troop” again; in this case, the count is reset when it reaches the total given by tt1, that in this particular case is 2 and not a random number (because x=y=2) and isn't shown (because the number format is s).
  • ^cntc[n]^ of ^tt1[n][6:10]^, Unimatrix ^tt2[n][1]^, a more complicated naming convention (well, it's the one used by Borg ^_-), that illustrates a counting over combat type, till a total (given by tt1) that is a random number between 6 and 10; each time the counter is reset for reaching the total, the number given by tt2 increases (of 1, starting from 1). The result will be something like this:   …, “6 of 7, Unimatrix 1”, “7 of 7, Unimatrix 1”, “1 of 9, Unimatrix 2”, …

Some FAQs:

  • What is the code if I just want to count all of my units (ignoring their type and without reset) and give them their unit type name?
    ^ut^ ^cnt[n]^
  • What is the code if I just want to count all of my units coming from each city (ignoring their type and without reset) and give them their unit type name (without showing the city name)?
    ^ut^ ^cntct[n]^
  • What is the code if I just want to count my units by combat type?
    ^ut^ ^cntc[n]^
  • How can I reproduce "Nexus" Army naming convention (eg 1st Army 2nd Corp 8th Div)?
    ^cnt[o]^ Army ^tt1[o][5:5]^ Corp ^tt2[o][1]^ Div


Forum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=268

Author: ruff_hi