Unit Naming

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Unit Naming

This tab include all the configuration options for the Unit Naming mod, which will allow you to customize the names given by the game to your new units when they are built.


Enables the Unit Naming mod.

Use Advanced Methods

Enables the use of the advanced Era-related setting in the 'Adv Unit Naming.ini' file (which you may edit to change them) beyond the conventions used within the BUG Options Screen.

Naming Conventions

In the first text box (Default) you can set your favourite general naming convention.
In the other text boxes, you can set specific naming conventions for each unit type. Of course, these naming conventions, if set, have an higher priority over the general one above (the Era-related naming conventions, if set in the 'Adv Unit Naming.ini' file and enabled, have the highest priority); if you don't want to define specific naming conventions for some (or all) of the unit types, simply put DEFAULT in the text box.

The naming conventions use the following codes:

  • ^civ4^ - no naming convention, uses standard Civ4 names
  • ^rd^ - random name
  • ^rc^ - random civ-related name
  • ^ut^ - Unit Type (eg “Archer”)
  • ^cb^ - Combat Type (eg “Melee”)
  • ^dm^ - Domain (eg “Water”)
  • ^ld^ - Leader
  • ^ct^ - City
  • ^cv^ - Civilization
  • ^cnt[f]^ - count across all units (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntu[f]^ - count across all units of the same type (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntct[f]^ - count across all units of the same city (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntuct[f]^ - count across all units of the same unit and city (increments based on unit)
  • ^cntc[f]^ - count across all units of the same combat type (increments based on combat type)
  • ^cntd[f]^ - count across all units of the same domain (increments based on domain)
  • ^tt1[f][x:y]^ - total (it's a random number between x and y; it is x if y=x)
  • ^tt2[f][x]^ - total (starts at x, incremented by 1 each time tt1 is reset to 1)

There are a lot of number formats; [f] can be:

  • s - silent (not shown)
  • A - upper case alpha (A, B, C, D…)
  • a - lower case alpha (a, b, c, d…)
  • g - greek (alpha, beta, gamma, delta…)
  • p - phonetic (alpha, bravo, charlie, delta…)
  • n - number (1, 2, 3, 4…)
  • o - ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th…)
  • r - roman (I, II, III, IV…)
Some number formats (A, a, g, p) have a built in max : in these situations, the numbering loops back to the start. For example, if you ask for the number to be formatted with A (upper case alpha), the 30th unit will be identified with a “D”.

You can look at the help page about the Unit Naming mod for some examples about the use of these codes.