
BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod


by Sevo

I love CIV, but we all know that they dropped the ball with the Civilopedia. It's impossible to navigate easily and non-intuitive in design. So this is an improvement. Sevo's Civilopedia (or...Sevo-lo-pedia, or even Sevopedia, but I digress...). This mod turns the Civilopedia into a nicer, user-friendly, easy-to-navigate reference.

The features added by Sevopedia are the following:
  • Menus moved to left, with main menu on far left, sub-menu next to it
  • Main menu list reordered into groups with icons
  • SubMenu organized into an easy to read list
  • No more hopping away from the top screen when you select a page: the page comes up in the available to space on the right
  • Includes previously hidden entries (check out the barbarian leader...)
  • Will easily integrate with almost all existing mods
  • Vovan's Unit Upgrade Chart will automatically produce upgrade chart for units (even when modded!)
  • Progor's Unit Promotion Chart will automatically produce promotion chart (even when modded!)
  • Fitchn's Civilopedia Index a simple alphabetical index to everything in the Civilopedia, works in all five languages


Sevopedia can be configured in the Advisors tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O). To enable Sevopedia , you simply have to select the 'Enabled' checkbox.
There is also a 'Sort List' checkbox, which changes the order the entries in Sevopedia are shown.



Author: Sevo

Author's Credit and Thanks

Vovan for his Unit Upgrade Chart.

Progor for his Unit Promotion Chart.

Fitchn for his Civilopedia Index.