What is the BUG Mod?

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

What is The BUG Mod?

The BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod (BUG Mod) is a modification for Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword.

Civilization IV was designed to be extremely easy to modify, but not all modifications are compatible with each other.
In an effort to combine these many different mods from the Civilization Community into one concise program, The BUG Project was born.


BUG Mod combines mods that do not change the basic game play of Civ4 while enhancing the interface and improving ease of use.
Some aspects that we feel are within these criteria are Advisor Screens, the City Screen, the Main View, the Civilopedia Screens, etc. Also, any additions or changes made will not provide any information that cannot be figured out within the game itself.

We feel this mod is safe for use in any Succession Game, even those that use a different mod. If you find any changes within the code that modify gameplay, please contact us, and we will make it our priority to fix the problem.

The best way to understand the BUG Mod, anyway, is to download the latest version and to try it.