Improved Foreign Advisor Info Screen (IFAIS)

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Improved Foreign Advisor Info Screen (IFAIS)

by Dresden

The Improved Foreign Advisor Info Screen mod improves the default 'Info' tab of the Exotic Foreign Advisor (F4).
The main differences between the mod's tab and the default tab are:

  • Active Player now listed as the first row.
  • New Attitude column showing overall attitude of each player toward active player.
  • Religion column now lists any current attitude modifiers with the active player due to sharing (or not sharing) that religion.
  • Trade column will now be blank when trade is not possible due to war, lack of a trade route, or civics limitations.
  • Favorite Civics column now lists any current attitude modifiers with the active player due to sharing that civic.
  • When playing with the Random Personalities option, the last column changes to "Possible Favorite Civics". IFAIS will then track attitude changes throughout the game to determine the actual favorite civic of each AI player.
    • While the favorite civic is unknown, a question mark will appear in the column.
    • Once the choices have been narrowed to 5 or less, they will all be listed.
    • Once the favorite civic has been determined, it will be listed alone along with any current attitude modifier.


This mod can be enabled in the Advisors tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O) by simple selection of the 'Improved Info Tab' checkbox.



Author: Dresden