Military Advisor

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Military Advisor

by Ruff_hi & EmperorFool

The Military Advisor is now divided into three tabs:

  • The Deployment tab makes finding units easier by allowing you to group units by several different criteria.
  • The Sit-Rep tab gives you an overview of the diplomatic situation from a war- and threat-planning point of view.
  • The Strategic Advantages tab shows you the strategic resources (Copper, Iron, Horses, etc) and units that you have as an advantage over a rival and vice versa.

Deployment Tab

This tab is based on the original Military Advisor screen. It adds the ability to select the two criteria used to group units, choosing from several attributes:

  • Unit Type: Warrior, Archer, Swordsman, etc.
  • Combat Type: Melee, Archery, Gunpowder, etc.
  • Level: 1, 2, 3 . . . 50+
  • Promotions: Combat 1, Woodsman 2, Tactics, etc.
  • Location: Domestic/Friendly/Neutral/Enemy City/Territory
  • Orders: Fortify, Sentry, Automate Build, etc.

If the selected secondary criterium is the same as the selected primary one, units are simply grouped according to that criterium.

Sit-Rep Tab

This tab displays the following information for each known rival (from left to right):

  • the icon of the Civilization's Leader
  • a fist indicating that the Civilization "Has Enough on Their Hands", which usually means they are planning, or are engaged in a war that is taking all their resources
  • the icon of the Civilzation's Worst Enemy
  • the Threat Indicator, which gives you a rough idea what the threat level of attack from that Civilization is towards you
  • icons of Leaders with whom that Civ is willing to stop trading
  • icons of Leaders who are at war with that Civ and those with whom the Civ is willing to start or join a war
  • an indicator showing that the Civilization is a Vassal State of another Civ
  • an indicator showing that the Civilization has a Defensive Pact with another Civ

Threat Indicator

The Threat Indicator is a crude, five-levels indicator based on a percentile Threat Index as follows:

  • Low Risk: Threat Index less than 15%
  • Guarded Risk: Threat Index more than or equal to 15% but less than 35%
  • Elevated Risk: Threat Index more than or equal to 35% but less than 55%
  • High Risk: Threat Index more than or equal to 55% but less than 75%
  • Severe Risk: Threat Index more than or equal to 75%
The Threat Index is made up of two major components with some adjustments.
The first component is the Relationship: it is based on the pluses and minuses from the AI attitude and is capped at -15 and +15; there are 38 points which are allocated to this component with +15 attitude corresponding to 0 points and -15 attitude corresponding to 38 points (linear between -15 to -15).
The second component is the Power: it is based on the power ratio (power from the demographic charts) of our power divided by the AI power; it is capped at 0.5 and 1.5, so there are 38 points are allocated to this component with 1.5 power ratio corresponding to 0 points and 0.5 power corresponding to 38 points (linear between 1.5 to 0.5). If the Civ's power is not know (i.e. because not enough espionage points), then this component is estimated at 28.5 (38 * 0.75) and "est" is added to the Level.
About Adjustments, if you have a Defensive Pact with the AI, then the Threat Index is multiplied by 0.2; if the AI is in WHEOOH mode and not at war (i.e. planning for war), then the Threat Index is multiplied by 1.3.

Strategic Advantages Tab

This tab has two sets of columns: resources and units.

The resources columns ("Ours" and "Theirs") display which strategic resources you have access to that the rival does not and vice versa. If you are not connected to their trade network (e.g. you are at war), both columns show a red question mark, and this affects the unit columns. Note that here "Strategic Resources" means Resources needed for building at least one unit type.

The units are displayed in two groups ("Our Units" and "Their Units") of two columns each ("Known" and "Possible"). If you cannot trade techs with a rival, both "Known" columns display a red question mark. Otherwise, a unit is shown in the "Known" column when it is known that one side can build it and the other cannot. This happens mostly when one side knows a military technology (e.g. Horseback Riding) that the other does not, and a unit is shown in the "Possible" column when there is uncertainty about the advantage. This happens only when access to resources or water is not known for certain.

Obsolete units are hidden where possible. If you can build Axeman, Spearman, and Swordsmen, the Warrior will not be shown as an advantage for your rivals even though you can no longer build them. Unique Units and the units they replace are considered as wholey different units and do not cancel either other out. The screen makes no judgment as to which is better than the other.


The enhanced Military Advisor can be enabled in the Advisors tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O) by simple selection of the 'BUG Military Advisor' checkbox.



Author: Ruff_hi & EmperorFool