Not Just Another Game Clock (NJAGC)

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

Not Just Another Game Clock (NJAGC)

by TheLopez

Just as the mod title says, this is not just another game clock mod. It is much, much more. This mod provides you the flexibility to most if not all of its different features. There are 12 main variables and one additional variable per era that can be used to configure the NJAGC Mod display information.


All the variables of this mod are configurable within the Clock tab of the BUG Options Screen (Alt+Ctrl+O), by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.



Author: TheLopez

Author's Credits and Thanks

Exavier for the readme.txt format of Composite Mod

Homegrown for his "Simple Game Clock" mod

Tubby Rower for his version of the Game Clock Mod

Goombaz for his "Current Turn At-a-glance" mod

Dr Elmer Jiggle for providing the “INI File Parser” code allowing for players to customize this mod without having to touch the python code