BUG Options Screen

BtS Unaltered Gameplay Mod

BUG Options Screen

The core to the BUG Mod is the ability to pick and choose the way your game looks and plays.

Once the game starts, you can customize the BUG Mod by hitting Alt+Ctrl+O. From this screen you can adjust the look and feel of many of the features of the BUG Mod within the game.

Below you can find out more about each of the Options Tabs.

General - General Options, involving the Main Interface and City Screen.

Advisors - Options to change settings for the Advisors and the Sevopedia.

Clock - Settings to adjust the Clock Display.

Scoreboard - Advanced Scoreboard Options.

Plot List - Options for configuring the way units icons are displayed and filtered.

Alerts - Set up Alerts and Reminders.

Logging - Setting for the Autolog.

Unit Naming - Options for setting up Unit Naming for new unit builds.

System - Options that are directly related to the BUG Mod.

Credits - List of all persons who participated directly or indirectly in the BUG Mod.