This function creates layer definition information for a raster image feature and returns it as a string containing XML data. It takes two parameters: the identifier of the feature source and the string name of the raster feature.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.GridColorType object.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.GridColorRuleType object. Embed the GridColorType object in the GridColorRuleType object.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.GridColorStylizationType object. Embed the GridColorRuleType object in the GridColorStylizationType object.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.GridColorRangeType object. Embed the GridColorStylizationType object in the GridColorRangeType object.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.GridLayerDefinitionType object. Embed the GridColorRangeType object in the GridLayerDefinitionType object.
- Create an OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition.LayerDefinitionType object. Embed the GridLayerDefinitionType object in the LayerDefinitionType object.
- Serialize the resulting xml LayerDefinitionType object as a string.
Here is an example of a raster layer definition type.
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n
<LayerDefinitionType xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\r\n
<LegendLabel />\r\n