Table of contents
- Samples
- Introduction
- Installation
- Extension Applications
- Building
- Loading
- Concepts
- Resources
- Feature Source, Feature, Feature Schema, Class Definition, and Properties
- Map, Layer, Layer Group
- Namespaces Used By The Samples
- Autodesk.AutoCAD
- Autodesk.Gis.Map
- OSGeo.MapGuide
- OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.FeatureSource
- OSGeo.MapGuide.Schema.LayerDefinition
- Platform.Samples.Util Utility Library
- AcadEditor
- AddAllToMap
- AddToMap
- AddFeatureClassToSchema
- ChangeSurfaceLayerStyle
- ClearResources
- ConnectToSdfFile
- CopyFeatures
- CreateFdoFeatureClass
- CreateFeatureSourceDefinition
- CreateFeatureSourceXmlForSdf
- CreateLayerDefinitionObject
- CreateLayerDefinitionXml
- CreateRasterFeatureSourceDefinition
- CreateRasterLayerDefinitionXml
- CreateResultsFdoSchema
- CreateSdfFeatureSourceDefinition
- CreateSdfFile
- CurrentDir
- GetColor
- GetCoordSysWkt
- GetDefaultGeometryPropertyName
- GetGeometricType
- Highlight
- IsGridLayer
- IsReadOnlyProperty
- MakeDefaultStyle
- MakeDefaultStyleForCurve
- Print and PrintLn
- ReadFeature
- ToFdoDataType
- BuildMap
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- BuildMap
- GisOperation
- Apply A Buffer Operation To Features
- ChangeStyle
- Classify
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthough
- ClassifyManholes
- EditSetViewer
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthough
- Prepare
- EditSetViewer
- Viewer user control
- FeatureExplorer
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthough
- Entry Point
- FeatureExplorerControl user control
- FeatureInspector
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthough
- RegisterEvents
- UnregisterEvents
- FeatureInspector
- User Interface Elements
- InspectorForm user control
- FindIntersects
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- FindIntersect
- Find Intersections
- Query the Feature Source for Intersections
- Point Exists
- GenerateAnnotation
- Running the Sample
- Background Information On Some Of The Namespaces and Classes Used In This Sample
- Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices Namespace
- Autodesk.Gis.Map.HostMapApplicationServices Class
- Autodesk.Gis.Map.MapApplication Class
- Autodesk.Gis.Map.ObjectData Namespace
- Autodesk.Gis.Map.Project.ProjectModel
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- GenAnnotation
- Create A Layer Using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
- Create An Annotation Template
- Create An Object Data Table
- Create Centroids
- Insert The Annotations
- Set An Attribute Definition
- GeoCoder
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- GeoCoderCommand
- InputEditor
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- Automatic Feature Update
- RegisterEvent
- UnregisterEvent
- NetworkTrace
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Data Structures Used by the Network Trace Algorithm
- Point
- Link
- Point Lists
- Shortest Path List
- Entry Point
- NetworkTrace
- Assemble the Shortest Path
- Get Neighbor Links
- Get Next Point From Link
- Initialize the End Point
- Initialize the Start Point
- Relax Point
- Relax the Point
- Search for a Path
- PolygonOperation
- Running the Sample
- PolygonOperation
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- PolygonOperation
- QueryAndLocate
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Prepare
- QueryAndLocate
- QueryControl user control
- SpiderNetwork
- Running the Sample
- Code Walkthrough
- Entry Point
- SpiderNetwork