
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Contains information about the conditions causing a replication alert to fire. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
alert_id int ID of the alert.
status int User-defined value:

0 = Unserviced
1 = Serviced

agent_type int Type of agent:

1 = Snapshot Agent
2 = Log Reader Agent
3 = Distribution Agent
4 = Merge Agent

agent_id int Agent ID from the tables MSsnapshot_agents, MSlogreader_agents, MSdistribution_agents, or MSmerge_agents.
error_id int ID of the error stored in MSrepl_errors.
alert_error_code int Message ID of the alert raised when logging this record.
time datetime Time the record was inserted.
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher associated with the agent that fired this alert.
publisher_db sysname Publisher database associated with the agent that fired this alert.
publication sysname Publication associated with the agent that fired this alert.
publication_type int Type of publication:
0 = Snapshot
1 = Transactional
2 = Merge
subscriber sysname Name of the Subscriber associated with the agent that fired this alert.
subscriber_db sysname Name of the Subscriber database associated with the agent that fired this alert.
article sysname Name of the article associated with the agent that fired this alert.
sysname Name of the subscription table associated with the alert.
source_object sysname Name of the published table associated with the alert.
alert_error_text ntext Text of the alert.