
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


The restorehistory table contains one row for each restore operation. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
restore_history_id int NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY Unique identification number identifying each restore operation.
restore_date datetime NULL Date and time of the restore operation.
destination_database_name nvarchar(128) NULL Name of the destination database for the restore operation.
user_name nvarchar(128) NULL Name of the user who performed the restore operation.
backup_set_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES backupset(backup_set_id) Unique identification number identifying the backup set being restored.
restore_type char(1) NULL Type of restore operation:

D = Database
F = File
G = Filegroup
L = Log
V = Verifyonly

replace bit NULL Indicates whether the restore operation specified the REPLACE option:

1 = Specified
0 = Not specified

recovery bit NULL Indicates whether the restore operation specified the RECOVERY or NORECOVERY option:


restart bit NULL Indicates whether the restore operation specified the RESTART option:

1 = Specified
0 = Not specified

stop_at datetime NULL Point in time to which the database was recovered.
device_count tinyint NULL Number of devices involved in the restore operation. This number can be less than the number of media families for the backup.
stop_at_mark_name nvarchar(128) NULL Indicates recovery to the transaction containing the named mark.
stop_before bit NULL Indicates whether the transaction containing the named mark was included in the recovery:

0 = Recovery halted before marked transaction.
1 = Recovery included marked transaction.