Specifies checking for compliance with the
Is the level of compliance against the FIPS 127-2 standard for which all database operations are checked. If a database operation conflicts with the level of SQL-92 standards chosen, Microsoft® SQL Server™ generates a warning.
level must be one of these values.
Value | Description |
ENTRY | Standards checking for SQL-92 entry-level compliance. |
FULL | Standards checking for SQL-92 full compliance. |
INTERMEDIATE | Standards checking for SQL-92 intermediate-level compliance. |
OFF | No standards checking. |
The setting of SET FIPS_FLAGGER is set at parse time and not at execute or run time. Setting at parse time means that if the SET statement is present in the batch or stored procedure, it takes effect, regardless of whether code execution actually reaches that point; and the SET statement takes effect before any statements are executed. For example, even if the SET statement is in an IF...ELSE statement block that is never reached during execution, the SET statement still takes effect because the IF...ELSE statement block is parsed.
If SET FIPS_FLAGGER is set in a stored procedure, the value of SET FIPS_FLAGGER is restored after control is returned from the stored procedure. Therefore, a SET FIPS_FLAGGER statement specified in dynamic SQL does not have any effect on any statements following the dynamic SQL statement.
SET FIPS_FLAGGER permissions default to all users.