
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Shows the databases that have the replication option enabled. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.


sp_helpreplicationdboption [ [ @dbname =] 'dbname' ]
    [ , [ @type = ] 'type' ]


[@dbname =] 'dbname'

Is the name of the database. dbname is sysname, with a default of %. If %, then the result set will contain all databases on the machine where the stored procedure was run.

[@type =] 'type'

Is whether replication is allowed. type is sysname, and can be one of the following values.

Value Description
publish Transactional replication allowed.
merge publish Merge replication allowed.
replication allowed (default) Either transactional or merge replication allowed.

Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
name sysname Name of the database.
id sysname ID of the database.


sp_helpreplicationdboption is used in snapshot, transactional, and merge replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also

System Stored Procedures