
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Returns the rows in the specified conflict table. This stored procedure is run on the computer where the conflict table is stored.


sp_helpmergeconflictrows [ [ @publication = ] 'publication' ]
    , [ @conflict_table = ] 'conflict_table'
    [ , [ @publisher = ] 'publisher' ]
    [ , [ @publisher_db = ] 'publsher_db' ]


[@publication = ] 'publication'

Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with a default of %. If the publication is specified, all conflicts qualified by the publication are returned. For example, if the Conflict_Customers table has conflict rows for the WA and the CA publications, passing in a publication name CA retrieves conflicts that pertain to the CA publication.

[@conflict_table = ] 'conflict_table'

Is the name of the conflict table. conflict_table is sysname, with no default.

[@publisher =] 'publisher'

Is the name of the Publisher. publisher is sysname, with a default of NULL.

[@publisher_db = ] 'publisher_db'

Is the name of the publisher database. publisher_db is sysname, with a default of NULL.

Result Sets

sp_helpmergeconflictrows returns a result set consisting of the base table structure and these additional columns.

Column name Data type Description
origin_datasource varchar(255) Origin of the conflict.
conflict_type int Code indicating the type of conflict:

1 = UpdateConflict: Conflict is detected at the row level.
2 = ColumnUpdateConflict: Conflict detected at the column level.
3 = UpdateDeleteWinsConflict: Delete wins the conflict.
4 = UpdateWinsDeleteConflict: The deleted rowguid that loses the conflict is recorded in this table.
5 = UploadInsertFailed: Insert from Subscriber could not be applied at the Publisher.
6 = DownloadInsertFailed: Insert from Publisher could not be applied at the Subscriber.
7 = UploadDeleteFailed: Delete at Subscriber could not be uploaded to the Publisher.
8 = DownloadDeleteFailed: Delete at Publisher could not be downloaded to the Subscriber.
9 = UploadUpdateFailed: Update at Subscriber could not be applied at the Publisher.
10 = DownloadUpdateFailed: Update at Publisher could not be applied to the Subscriber.

reason_code int Error code that can be context-sensitive.
reason_text varchar(720) Error description that can be context-sensitive.
Pubid uniqueidentifier Publication identifier.


sp_helpmergeconflictrows is used in merge replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also

System Stored Procedures