
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Contains an entry for each of the current configuration options. In addition, this table contains four entries that describe the configuration structure. syscurconfigs is built dynamically when queried by a user. For more information, see sysconfigures.

Column name Data type Description
value int User-modifiable value for the variable (being used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ only if RECONFIGURE has been executed).
config smallint Configuration variable number.
comment nvarchar(255) Explanation of the configuration option.
status smallint Bitmap indicating the status for the option. Possible values include:

0 = Static (The setting takes effect when the server is restarted.).
1 = Dynamic (The variable takes effect when the RECONFIGURE statement is executed.).
2 = Advanced (The variable is displayed only when the show advanced option is set.).
3 = Dynamic and advanced.