
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


The MSreplication_queue table is used by the replication process to store the queued commands issued by all the queued updating subscriptions that are using SQL-based queued. . This table is stored in the subscription database.

Column name Data type Description
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname Name of the publication database.
publication sysname Name of the publication.
tranid sysname Transaction ID under which the queued command was executed.
data varbinary(8000) Packed bytestream that stored information about the queued command.
datalen int Length of data, in bytes.
commandtype int Type of command being queued:

1 = user command in transaction
2 = subscription synchronization command.

insertdate datetime Date of insertion.
orderkey bigint Identity column that increases monotonically.
cmdstate bit Command state:

0 = complete
1 = partial