
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Sets up the log shipping monitor account on the monitor server.


sp_define_log_shipping_monitor [ @monitor_name = ] 'monitor_name' ,
    [ @logon_type = ] logon_type
    [ , [ @password = ] 'password' ]
    [ , [ @delete_existing = ] delete_existing ]


[@monitor_name =] 'monitor_name'

Is the name of the monitor server. monitor_name is sysname, with no default.

[@logon_type =] logon_type

Is the type of logon that sqlmaint will use to contact the monitor server. logon_type is int. Valid values are 1 (Windows NT) or 2 (SQL Server).

[@password =] 'password'

Is the password for the log_shipping_monitor_probe account. password is nvarchar(63). password is ignored if the logon type is one (1).

[@delete_existing =] delete_existing

Specifies the deletion of an existing row from the log_shipping_monitor table. The one (1) value means an existing row will be deleted; zero (0) means an existing row will not be deleted. delete_existing is bit, with a default of zero (0).

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


Only one monitor server can be defined for each primary or secondary server.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute sp_define_log_shipping_monitor.