
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Returns information about a push subscription. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database.


sp_helpmergesubscription [ [ @publication =] 'publication']
    [ , [ @subscriber =] 'subscriber']
    [ , [ @subscriber_db =] 'subscriber_db']
    [ , [ @publisher =] 'publisher']
    [ , [ @publisher_db =] 'publisher_db']
    [ , [ @subscription_type =] 'subscription_type']
    [ , [ @found =] 'found' OUTPUT]


[@publication = ] 'publication'

Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with a default of %. The publication must already exist and conform to the rules for identifiers. If NULL or %, information about all merge publications and subscriptions in the current database is returned.

[@subscriber = ] 'subscriber'

Is the name of the Subscriber. subscriber is sysname, with a default of %. If NULL or %, information about all subscriptions to the given publication is returned.

[@subscriber_db = ] 'subscriber_db'

Is the name of the subscription database. subscriber_db is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all subscription databases.

[@publisher = ] 'publisher'

Is the name of the Publisher. The Publisher must be a valid server. publisher is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all Publishers.

[@publisher_db = ] 'publisher_db'

Is the name of the Publisher database. publisher_db is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all Publisher databases.

[@subscription_type = ] 'subscription_type'

Is the type of subscription. subscription_type is nvarchar(15), and can be one of these values.

Value Description
push (default) Push subscription.
Pull Pull subscription.
Both Both a push and pull subscription.

[@found = ] 'found' OUTPUT

Is a flag to indicate returning rows. found is int and an OUTPUT parameter, with a default of NULL. 1 indicates the publication is found. 0 indicates the publication is not found.

Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
subscription_name   Name of the subscription.
Publication sysname Name of the publication.
Publisher sysname Name of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname Name of the Publisher database.
Subscriber sysname Name of the Subscriber.
subscriber_db sysname Name of the subscription database.
Status int Status of the subscription:

0 = All jobs are waiting to start

1 = One or more jobs are starting

2 = All jobs have executed successfully

3 = At least one job is executing

4 = All jobs are scheduled and idle

5 = At least one job is attempting to execute after a previous failure

6 = At least one job has failed to execute successfully

subscriber_type int Type of Subscriber.
subscription_type int Type of subscription:

0 = Push
1 = Pull
2 = Both

Priority float(8) Number indicating the priority for the subscription.
sync_type tinyint Subscription sync type.
description nvarchar(255) Brief description of this merge subscription.
merge_jobid binary(16) Job ID of the Merge Agent.
full_publication tinyint Whether the subscription is to a full or filtered publication.
offload_enabled   Specifies if offload execution of a replication agent has been set to run at the Subscriber. If NULL, execution is run at the Publisher.
offload_server   Name of the server to where the agent is running.
use_interactive_resolver   Returns whether or not the interactive resolver is used during reconciliation. If 0, the interactive resolver not is used.


sp_helpmergesubscription is used in merge replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also




System Stored Procedures