
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


The MSmerge_agents table contains one row for each Merge Agent running at the Subscriber. This table is stored in the distribution database.

Column name Data type Description
id int ID of the Merge Agent.
name nvarchar(100) Name of the Merge Agent.
publisher_id smallint ID of the Publisher.
publisher_db sysname Name of the Publisher database.
publication sysname Name of the publication.
subscriber_id smallint ID of the Subscriber.
subscriber_db sysname Name of the subscription database.
local_job bit Indicates whether there is a SQL Server Agent job on the local Distributor.
job_id binary(16) Job identification number.
profile_id int Configuration ID from the MSagent_profiles table.
anonymous_subid uniqueidentifier ID of an anonymous agent.
subscriber_name sysname Name of the Subscriber.
creation_date datetime Date and time the Distribution or Merge Agent was created.
offload_enabled bit Specifies that the agent can be activated remotely. 0 specifies the agent cannot be activated remotely. 1 specifies the agent will be activated remotely, and on the remote computer specified in the offload_server property.
offload_server sysname Specifies the network name of server to be used for remote agent activation.
sid varbinary(85) The security identification number (SID) for the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent during its first execution.