
Transact-SQL Reference

Transact-SQL Reference


Column_name Data type Nullable Default Check Key/index
title_id tid no PK, clust.
title varchar(80) no Nonclust.
type char(12) no 'UNDECIDED'
pub_id char(4) yes FK publishers (pub_id)
price money yes  
advance money yes
royalty int yes  
ytd_sales int yes
notes varchar(200) yes
pubdate datetime no GETDATE( )


These tables show the contents of the titles table. The first column (title_id) is repeated in the tables that follow, along with columns 6 through 8, and 9
through 10.

title_id (1) title (2) type (3) pub_id (4) price (5)
BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide business 1389 19.99
BU1111 Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets business 1389 11.95
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stress! business 0736 2.99
BU7832 Straight Talk About Computers business 1389 19.99
MC2222 Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats mod_cook 0877 19.99
MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave mod_cook 0877 2.99
MC3026 The Psychology of Computer Cooking UNDECIDED 0877 NULL
PC1035 But Is It User Friendly? popular_comp 1389 22.95
PC8888 Secrets of Silicon Valley popular_comp 1389 20.00
PC9999 Net Etiquette popular_comp 1389 NULL
PS1372 Computer Phobic and Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations psychology 0877 21.59
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy? psychology 0736 10.95
PS2106 Life Without Fear psychology 0736 7.00
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies psychology 0736 19.99
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm psychology 0736 7.99
TC3218 Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean trad_cook 0877 20.95
TC4203 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens trad_cook 0877 11.95
TC7777 Sushi, Anyone? trad_cook 0877 14.99


title_id (1) advance (6) royalty (7) ytd_sales (8)
BU1032 5,000.00 10 4095
BU1111 5,000.00 10 3876
BU2075 10,125.00 24 18722
BU7832 5,000.00 10 4095
MC2222 0.00 12 2032
MC3021 15,000.00 24 22246
PC1035 7,000.00 16 8780
PC8888 8,000.00 10 4095
PS1372 7,000.00 10 375
PS2091 2,275.00 12 2045
PS2106 6,000.00 10 111
PS3333 2,000.00 10 4072
PS7777 4,000.00 10 3336
TC3218 7,000.00 10 375
TC4203 4,000.00 14 15096
TC7777 8,000.00 10 4095


title_id (1) notes (9) pubdate (10)
BU1032 An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
BU1111 Helpful hints on how to use your electronic resources to the best advantage. Jun 9 1991 12:00AM
BU2075 The latest medical and psychological techniques for living with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations. Jun 30 1991 12:00AM
BU7832 Annotated analysis of what computers can do for you: a no-hype guide for the critical user. Jun 22 1991 12:00AM
MC2222 Favorite recipes for quick, easy, and elegant meals. Jun 9 1991 12:00AM
MC3021 Traditional French gourmet recipes adapted for modern microwave cooking. Jun 18 1991 12:00AM
MC3026 NULL Apr 28 1995 10:36AM
PC1035 A survey of software for the naive user, focusing on the "friendliness" of each. Jun 30 1991 12:00AM
PC8888 Muckraking reporting on the world's largest computer hardware and software manufacturers. Jun 12 1994 12:00AM
PC9999 A must-read for computer conferencing. Apr 28 1995 10:36AM
PS1372 A must for the specialist, examining the difference between those who hate and fear computers and those who don't. Oct 21 1991 12:00AM
PS2091 Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body. Metabolic charts included. Jun 15 1991 12:00AM
PS2106 New exercise, meditation, and nutritional techniques that can reduce the shock of daily interactions. Popular audience. Sample menus included, exercise video available separately. Oct 5 1991 12:00AM
PS3333 What happens when the data runs dry? Searching evaluations of information-shortage effects. Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
PS7777 Protecting yourself and your loved ones from undue emotional stress in the modern world. Use of computer and nutritional aids emphasized. Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
TC3218 Profusely illustrated in color, this makes a wonderful gift book for a cuisine-oriented friend. Oct 21 1991 12:00AM
TC4203 More anecdotes from the Queen's favorite cook describing life among English royalty. Recipes, techniques, tender vignettes. Jun 12 1991 12:00AM
TC7777 Detailed instructions on how to make authentic Japanese sushi in your spare time. Jun 12 1991 12:00AM