File Transfer Folder—ZModem Category


File Transfer Folder—ZModem Category


In the ZModem category, you can set general file transfer options.

Use Full Path Name to/from Host—Saves the file to the current UNIX host directory and lets you keep the entire path name as the filename. For example, the filename, myplan.txt, with this option selected, might have a filename of:


Maximum Error Count—Determines how many error recoveries HostExplorer will attempt before aborting the file transfer.

Send Options

Sliding WindowSends all the files at once. Depending on the receiver’s communication layer, the receiver may or may not be able to handle this high-speed transfer. In this case, check the sliding window option. By default, HostExplorer sends 8192 bytes at a time giving the receiver enough time to receive the data and acknowledge its reception. However, if the sender’s TCP/IP stack cannot handle this high-speed transfer, clear this option.

Overwrite Management Options—Determines how files are written to the host system; for this feature to function properly, the receiving host system must also support this feature. For example, you might send a file called text2.txt to a host system already containing a file called text2.txt. You have the following options.

Newer or Longer—Only overwrites if the existing file is older or smaller than the file being sent.

Append—Adds the file you are sending to the end of the existing file.

Always Overwrite—Always overwrites the old file.

File Size or Date Differ—Only overwrites if the existing file being sent is a different size and/or newer.

Never Overwrite—Prevents you from overwriting an existing file.

Newer—Only overwrites if the existing file is older than the file being sent.

Receive Options

Crash Recovery—Sets the system to automatically resume reception of any transferred files if the system crashed during the transfer.

Auto Download—Detects the initial header of a request to receive files and automatically starts the receiving process.

Enable Session Lockout—Enables the session lockout option, which locks a session if it is left idle for a period of time. By default, this option is selected.

Use Default Session Lockout Time—Uses the default session lockout time (30 minutes). By default, this option is selected.

Lockout Session After The Following Number Of Idle Minutes—Specifies a session lockout time. This option is available if the default is not selected.

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