Print Folder—PCPRINT Category


Print Folder—PCPRINT Category


In the PCPRINT category, you can set PCPRINT options.

7171 Passthru Printing—HostExplorer supports 7171 passthru sequences for use with the TPRINT host printing program available (at no charge) from Yale University. When HostExplorer receives the 7171 passthru commands, it will search for escape sequences to enable/disable the printer port. This option specifies what sequences the emulator will search for in passthru mode.

Send PCPRINT/TPRINT Output to—Specify where HostExplorer will put information received from a host TPRINT or PCPRINT program.

Default Windows Printer—Sends the output to the Default Printer in the control panel.

LPT1—Sends the output to a printer connected to a LPT1 parallel port. If the parallel port is captured by a network system, the data will be sent to the network printer.

LPT2—Sends the output to a printer connected to a LPT2 parallel port. If the parallel port is captured by a network system, the data will be sent to the network printer.

LPT3—Sends the output to a printer connected to a LPT3 parallel port. If the parallel port is captured by a network system, the data will be sent to the network printer.

Clipboard—Sends the output directly to the Windows clipboard.

Printer Initialization String—Defines the escape sequences that you can send to the printer at the beginning of a PCPRINT/TPRINT job. The string may contain up to 255 characters.

Printer Deinitialization String—Defines the escape sequences that you can send to the printer at the end of a PCPRINT/TPRINT job. The string can contain up to 255 characters. You can enter Escape and binary codes in C-style syntax using the backslash character (\). HostExplorer treats Inline spaces as part of the sequence.

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