Edit Folder—Clipboard Formats Category


Edit Folder—Clipboard Formats Category

3270 5250 VT

In the Clipboard Formats category, you can set clipboard formats used by HostExplorer. If you encounter problems copying data to other applications or pasting data from other applications, you can enable or disable specific clipboard formats.

Text/OEM Text—Enables the standard text format for Clipboard use. By default, this option is selected.

Bitmap—Enables Bitmap format when copying data to the clipboard. By default, this option is selected.

Paste Link—Enables the Paste Link format when copying data to the clipboard. By default, this option is selected.

Rich Text Format—Enables the Rich Text Format when copying data to the clipboard. By default, this option is selected.

HostExplorer 3270 (proprietary format)—Enables HostExplorer's Proprietary format when copying data from one HostExplorer session to another. By default, this option is selected.

Cell Delimited—Enables CSV and BIFF formats when copying data to the clipboard and pasting data from other applications. CSV and BIFF are common formats used by spreadsheet applications. When copying data to the clipboard in Cell Delimited format, HostExplorer can parse screen data at words or at field attributes. This allows you to determine how data appears in cells in your spreadsheet application. By default, this option is selected.

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