Suggestion Wizard

English Query

English Query

Suggestion Wizard

Use the Suggestion Wizard to create new entities and relationships for questions that cannot be answered using the current model and database structure. The Suggestion Wizard is displayed when you click the in the Model Test window.

The suggestions are displayed as sentences in which you fill in the blanks by either selecting or entering the appropriate information. You also can create a new entity by clicking the Entity Icon () to display the Entity/New Entity dialog box when it is available.

Note  Any relationships created by the Suggestion Wizard that involve self-joins need a join path created after closing the Suggestion Wizard and before building the model to avoid errors when building the model. Create the join path in the <Role Name>Role dialog box for one of the entities the relationship.

See Also

Entity/New Entity Dialog Box

How to create relationships from the Model Test Window

<Role Name>Role Dialog Box

Shortcut Keys Used in English Query

Testing an English Query Model