Shortcut Keys Used in English Query
This topic describes the shortcut keys used in English Query.
Global Keys
Use these shortcut keys in all English Query windows.
Shortcut keys | Description |
CTRL+N | Opens a new project. |
CTRL+O | Opens an existing project. |
CTRL+SHIFT+N | Opens a new file. |
CTRL+SHIFT+O | Opens an existing file. |
CTRL+SHIFT+S | Saves all modules and the project. |
F1 | Displays Help. |
Selects the previous item in a combo box. |
Selects the next item in a combo box. |
For more information about shortcut keys, see the Microsoft® Visual Studio® documentation.
Menu Keys
Use these keys to navigate the Menu bar.
Shortcut keys | Description |
LEFT | Selects the next menu. |
RIGHT | Selects the previous menu. |
UP | Selects the previous item in a menu. |
DOWN | Selects the next item in a menu or expand menu. |
ESC | Clears menus. |
Model Editor: Navigation Keys
Use these keys to navigate the hierarchical panes and tabs of the Model Editor.
Note These shortcut keys do not work in the Canvas pane.
Shortcut keys | Description |
CTRL+PAGE UP | Selects the next tab. |
CTRL+PAGE DOWN | Selects the previous tab. |
UP | Selects the previous item in the tree. |
DOWN | Selects the next item in the tree. |
RIGHT | Expands current item in the tree. |
LEFT | Collapses current item in the tree if expanded. Otherwise, selects parent item in the tree. |
Model Editor: Editing Keys
Use these keys to edit objects in the hierarchical pane of the Model Editor.
Shortcut keys | Description |
ENTER Double-click an entity or relationship. |
Displays a dialog box in which you can edit the currently selected object in the tree. |
CTRL+C | Copies the selected object or objects and places them on the Clipboard. |
CTRL+V | Pastes the object or objects. |
CTRL+X | Cuts the selected object or objects and place them on the Clipboard. |
DELETE | Deletes the selected object or objects. |
CTRL+Click | Selects multiple objects. |
Canvas Pane Keys
Use these shortcut keys in the Canvas pane.
Shortcut keys | Description |
BACKSPACE | Cancels any selection. |
TAB | Selects the next object. |
SPACEBAR | Starts auto layout. Stops the layout process in animation mode. |
DELETE | Removes the selected object from the Canvas pane. |
Moves the Canvas pane up. |
Moves the Canvas pane down. |
Moves the Canvas pane to the left. |
Moves the Canvas pane to the right. |
CTRL+A | Selects all of the objects in the Canvas pane. |
CTRL+F | Displays the Find dialog box. |
Project Wizard Keys
Use these shortcut keys in the SQL Project and OLAP Project wizards.
Shortcut keys | Description |
SPACEBAR | Selects or clears the check boxes. |
TAB | Move the focus through the various elements. If the relationships are expanded, TAB also moves the focus among the elements. |
ENTER | Runs the Project Wizard and closes the window. Expands any item with a plus sign (+) and collapses an item with a minus sign (-). |
Model Test Window Keys
Use these shortcut keys in the Model Test window.
Shortcut keys | Description |
ENTER | Runs the query. |
CTRL+BREAK | Stops the query. |
CTRL+S | Saves the query in a regression file. |
CTRL+R | Displays or hides the query results. |
CTRL+W | Runs the Suggestion Wizard that helps define entities and relationships to answer a question that currently does not work. |
CTRL+T | Displays the Test Properties dialog box |
CTRL+PAGE UP | Selects the next tab in the Model Test window. |
CTRL+PAGE DOWN | Selects the previous tab in the Model Test window. |
Command Tab (Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box)
Use these shortcut keys on the Command tab of the Relationship/New Relationship dialog box.
Shortcut keys | Description |
ALT+P | Moves the focus to the grid. |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Selects the current row. |
DELETE | Deletes the selected row. |
INSERT | Inserts a row above the selected row. |
UP and DOWN ARROWS | Selects the preceding and following item. |
SPACEBAR | Activates the cell and selects the item. |
TAB | Moves the focus to the next element in the tab. |
Default Relationships Dialog Box
Use these shortcut keys in the Default Relationships dialog box.
Note You can make only contiguous selections using the keyboard. To make noncontiguous selections, press CTRL and click the rows you want to select.
Shortcut keys | Description |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Selects the current row. |
DELETE | Deletes the selected row. |
INSERT | Inserts a row above the selected row. |
RIGHT, LEFT, UP, and DOWN ARROWS | Selects the item to the right, left, up, and down of the currently selected item. |
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW | Selects the next row to make a contiguous selection. |
SHIFT+UP ARROW | Selects the previous row to make a contiguous selection. |
SPACEBAR | Activates the cell and selects the item. |
TAB | Moves the focus to the next element in the tab. |
Entity/New Entity Dialog Box
Use these keys in the Entity/New Entity dialog box.
Shortcut keys | Description |
SPACEBAR | When the Words list has the focus, displays the words so you can view or edit them.
When editing the Words list, moves a selected item between Selected Fields and Available Fields. When the Display Field(s) or the Fields(s) list has the focus, displays the Selected Fields and Available Fields lists so that you can view and edit them. When editing the Selected Fields and Available Fields lists, moves the selected item from one list to the other. |
Comma (,) or DOWN ARROW | Moves the pointer to the next line when entering data in the Words list. |
UP and DOWN ARROWS | Selects the previous or next item in the Words, synonym, and Display Field(s) lists. |
ENTER | Closes a list. |
Regression Differences Dialog Box Keys
Use these keys in the Regression Differences dialog box.
Shortcut keys | Description |
ALT+F3 | Displays the Find dialog box where you specify the text you are trying to find. |
F3 | In the active pane, finds and selects the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find What box of the Find dialog box. |
SHIFT+F3 | In the active pane, finds and selects the previous occurrence of the text that is specified in the Find What box of the Find dialog box. |
SHIFT+F7 | Finds and moves the ![]() |
F7 | Finds and moves the ![]() |
Table/New Table Dialog Box Keys
Use these keys to make changes in the Table/New Table dialog box.
Note You can make only contiguous selections using the keyboard. To make noncontiguous selections, press CTRL and click the rows you want to select.
Shortcut keys | Description |
CTRL+K | Makes the field of the selected row a primary key. |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Selects the current row. |
DELETE | Deletes the selected row. |
INSERT | Inserts a row above the selected row. |
RIGHT, LEFT, UP, and DOWN ARROWS | Selects the item to the right, left, up, and down from the item in the selected box. |
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW | Selects the next row so you can make a contiguous selection. |
SHIFT+UP ARROW | Selects the previous row so you can make a contiguous selection. |
List Keys
Use these shortcut keys in any list. A list is any type of box that contains a list of items from which you can select.
Keys | Descriptions |
UP and RIGHT ARROW | Selects the next item in the list. If there is more than one column, RIGHT ARROW selects the item in the next column. Not available in all lists. |
DOWN and LEFT ARROW | Selects the previous item in the list. If there is more than one column, LEFT ARROW selects the item in the previous column. Not available in all lists. |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Opens the list and displays all of the items. |
Editable List Keys
Use these shortcut keys in any editable list. An editable list consists of a rectangular box in which you can type text. If the list already contains items, you can select that default text or delete it and type new text.
Keys | Description |
SPACEBAR | Displays the list and selects the first empty cell.
When a cell with an item has the focus, also selects the text so that it can be edited. |
ENTER | Accepts the changes and closes the list. |
Comma (,) or DOWN ARROW | Moves the cursor to the next line when editing data. |
UP and DOWN ARROWS | Select the previous or next line in the list. |
Select Box Keys
Use these shortcut keys in any select box with Selected and Available Fields columns in which you move an item from one column to the other.
Keys | Description |
SPACEBAR | When the select box has the focus, displays the Selected Fields and Available Fields list so that you can view and edit the lists.
When editing the lists, moves the selected item from the current list to the other list. |
ENTER | Accepts the selection and closes the list. |
RIGHT and LEFT ARROWS | Select the item in the column to the right or the left of the selected item. |
UP and DOWN ARROWS | Select the item prior to or after the selected item. |
See Also
Add/Edit Entity Default Dialog Box
Data Connection Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
Database Tab (Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box)
Default Relationships Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
English Data Values Dialog Box
English Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
New Dictionary Entry Dialog Box
Preposition Phrasing Dialog Box
Regression Differences Dialog Box
Semantic Properties Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)