DisplayRows Property

English Query

English Query

DisplayRows Property

The number of rows the client displays to answer the end user's question.

Applies To

QueryCmd Object


QueryCmd.DisplayRows [= value]



An object variable that instructs the client to execute the database query.


A returned integer that indicates how many rows of information to return to the end user.


This property is read-only. If the value of DisplayRows is nonzero, a user is asked a question specifying a specific number of rows to be displayed. For example, if a user asks, "Show me the top five earners last year", this property returns five rows of data, one row of data for each earner field. In Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 or SQL Server 2000, it is possible to use the SQL statement itself to limit the number of rows returned. When the SQL statement is used, the DisplayRows property is always zero. This property is needed for databases that do not support top n natively in SQL.

See Also

DisplayToUser Property

IgnoreError Property

QueryText Property

SetDBMS Method

TableCaption Property

TrueFalseAnswer Property