Buttons Used in English Query

English Query

English Query

Buttons Used in English Query

The table shows the buttons used in the English Query dialog boxes and windows.

Button Button name Location
Synonyms Entity/New Entity dialog box
Cancel Query Model Test window
Save Query Model Test window
Submit Query Model Test window
Suggest Relationships Model Test window
Test Properties Model Test window
View Results Model Test window
Move all of the items to the left column. New <Database Object> dialog box
Move all of the items to the right column. New <Database Object> dialog box
Move selected item(s) to the left column. New <Database Object> dialog box
Move selected item(s) to the right column. New <Database Object> dialog box
Find Regression Differences dialog box
Find Next Regression Differences dialog box
Find Previous Regression Differences dialog box
Next Difference Regression Differences dialog box
Previous Difference Regression Differences dialog box
Primary Key Table/New Table dialog box