Authoring Object Model

English Query

English Query

Authoring Object Model

The English Query Authoring object model is a Component Object Model (COM) object that provides the following services for an English Query application:

  • Loading and saving an application

  • Validating an object

  • Compiling the English Query connection into an English Query application (.eqd)

Object creation and manipulation are performed by means of the XMLDOMDocument object model.

Automating the Compile Process of Your Applications

When you add records to the target database, you can rebuild the English Query application from your English Query project so that it reflects the vocabulary changes. This simplifies the application building process and provides a way to automate rebuilding applications to check for errors.

Enabling Alternative Authoring Tools

Using the Authoring object model, you can create and edit objects programmatically and compile and build the Semantic Modeling Format (SMF) file. In addition, in conjunction with the XMLDOMDocument object model, you can provide an alternative authoring environment in which other database access tools, such as Microsoft® Access, can be used with English Query.