Table of contents
- English Query Overview
- What's New in English Query
- Installation Requirements and Considerations
- English Query Fundamentals
Developing and Deploying English Query Applications
- Creating an English Query Model
Expanding an English Query Model
- Creating a Mixed English Query Model
- Enabling Analysis Services for an English Query Model
- Enabling SQL for an English Query Model
- Enabling Full-Text Search for an English Query Model
- Defining Entities in an English Query Model
- Defining Relationship Phrasings
- Using Command Relationships in an English Query Model
- Authoring with Semantic Modeling Format
- Testing an English Query Model
- Compiling an English Query Application
- Deploying an English Query Application
- Sample Applications and Client Interfaces
- Analysis Services in English Query
Object Model Reference
- Authoring Object Model
Engine Object Model
- Engine Object Model Diagram
Engine Objects Summary
- AnswerCmd Object
- Command Object
- CommandResponse Object
- DomainCmd Object
- DomainInfo Object
- ErrorResponse Object
- HelpCmd Object
- ListInput Object
- ObjectReference Object
- Parameter Object
- QueryCmd Object
- Response Object
- Session Object
- StaticInput Object
- TextInput Object
- UserClarifyResponse Object
- UserInput Object
Engine Properties Summary
- Answer Property
- Caption Property
- ClarifySpellingErrors Property
- Closed Property
- CmdID Property
- CommandName Property
- DBMSType Property (QueryCmd Object)
- DBMSType Property (Session Object)
- DBMSVersion Property
- Description Property (ErrorResponse Object)
- DisplayRows Property
- DisplayToUser Property
- DomainInfo Property
- FallbackDBMSType Property
- FallbackDBMSVersion Property
- FieldCount Property
- Fields Property (Parameter Object)
- FullName Property
- HelpText Property (HelpCmd Object)
- HelpType Property
- IgnoreError Property
- ItemCount Property
- Items Property
- ObjectID Property (HelpCmd Object)
- ObjectID Property (ObjectReference Object)
- ObjectType Property (HelpCmd Object)
- ObjectType Property (ObjectReference Object)
- ParameterID Property
- ParameterType Property
- QueryCommand Property
- QueryText Property
- QuestionBuilder Property
- Restatement Property
- RetainContext Property
- Selection Property
- SQL Property
- TableCaption Property
- Text Property (TextInput Object)
- TrueFalseAnswer Property
- Type Property (Response Object)
- Type Property (UserInput Object)
- Units Property
- Value Property
- Engine Methods Summary
- Engine Collections Summary
- Engine Collections Properties Summary
- Engine Collections Methods Summary
Question Builder Object Model
- Question Builder Object Model Diagram
- Question Builder Objects Summary
Question Builder Properties Summary
- Description Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
- Description Property (QBTemplateObject)
- HelpText Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
- InstanceValues Property
- IsMajor Property
- ObjectID Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
- ObjectType Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
- Parent Property
- Plural Property
- Singular Property
- SummaryText Property
- Synonyms Property
- Value Property
- Question Builder Methods Summary
- Question Builder Collections Summary
- Question Builder Collections Methods Summary
How To
Working with Projects
- How to add a new project to a solution
- How to add an existing project to a solution
- How to create a new project
- How to remove a database from a project
- How to remove a project from the solution
- How to create and modify project properties
- How to add a module
- How to remove a module
- How to modify the data source in a project
- Working with Models
- Working with Joins
- Working with Tables
- Working with Entities
Working with Relationships
- How to add a relationship
- How to add phrasings to a relationship
- How to add time and location options to a relationship
- How to create a relationship using the Canvas pane
- How to create relationships from the Model Test Window
- How to create relationships using the Create Relationships command
- How to associate English Data values with a relationship
- How to delete a relationship
- How to modify a relationship
- Working with Dictionary Entries
- Working with Command Relationships
Working with Analysis Services (formerly OLAP Services)
- How to add an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube to a model
- How to edit an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube
- How to edit Analysis Services levels
- How to edit Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) measures
- How to edit Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) properties
- How to enable Analysis Services (formerly OLAP)
- How to manually map OLAP objects to the underlying SQL database objects
- How to remove an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube
Testing and Building a Model
- How to add a new or existing regression test file to a project
- How to build an application
- How to edit a regression test file
- How to remove a regression test file
- How to rename a regression test file
- How to save model test information to a regression test file
- How to save the regression output to a regression test file
- How to set the Sample Data option
- How to test a model
- How to view the differences between the current regression test file and the regression output file
- How to view the output of a regression test created using the Run Regression command
- How to deploy an application to the Web
Working with Projects
English Query User Interface Help Reference
- Shortcut Keys Used in English Query
- Icons and Cursors Used in English Query
- Buttons Used in English Query
- Wizards
- Editors
- Model Test Window
Dialog Boxes
- Add/Edit Entity Default Dialog Box
- Adjective Phrasing Dialog Box
- Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box
- Command Phrasing Dialog Box
- English Data Values Dialog Box
- Entity/New Entity Dialog Box
- Find Dialog Box
- Join/New Join Dialog Box
- Name/ID Phrasing Dialog Box
- New <Database Object> Dialog Box
- New Dictionary Entry Dialog Box
- OLAP Dimension Dialog Box
- OLAP Cube Dialog Box
- Preposition Phrasing Dialog Box
- Project Properties Dialog Box
- Regression Differences Dialog Box
- Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box
- <Role Name>Role Dialog Box
- <Role Name> Role In Command Dialog Box
- Select An Analysis Server Dialog Box
- Select Phrasing Dialog Box
- Select Remote Fields Dialog Box
- Specify Join Path Dialog Box
- Subset Phrasing Dialog Box
- Table/New Table Dialog Box
- Test Properties Dialog Box
- Trait Phrasing Dialog Box
- Verb Phrasing Dialog Box
Troubleshooting English Query Applications
- English Query Usage Issues
Compile-Time Error Messages (Authoring Object Model)
Cube Error Messages
- Duplicate default measure for cube <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate dimension for cube <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate measure for cube <ObjectID>.
- Error in cube <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for cube <ObjectID>.
- Invalid table for cube <ObjectID>.
- Missing default measure in cube <ObjectID>.
- Missing dimensions for cube <ObjectID>.
- Missing fact table for cube <ObjectID>.
- Missing measures for cube <ObjectID>.
- Missing table for cube <ObjectID>.
- Multiple cubes with ID <ObjectID>.
Dictionary Entry Error Messages
- Duplicate irregular form in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate root word in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Error in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Invalid character in write synonym for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Invalid irregular form for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Invalid irregular form type for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Invalid part of speech for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Invalid root word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing irregular form in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing irregular type in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing part of speech in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing read word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing root word in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Missing write word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
- Multiple dictionary entries with ID <ObjectID>.
- Write synonym in dictionary entry <ObjectID> is identical to the root word.
Dimension Error Messages
- Date types of levels in time dimension <ObjectID> are not in descending order.
- Duplicate level for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Error in dimension <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Invalid table for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Invalid type for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Missing levels for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Missing source table for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Missing table for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Missing type for dimension <ObjectID>.
- Multiple dimensions with ID <ObjectID>.
Entity Error Messages
- A database object is not specified for measure entity <ObjectID>.
- Comparing {datepart} to entity that has no {datepart} in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Comparing date entity {entityid} to nondate in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Comparing integer entity {entityid} to noninteger in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Comparing numeric entity {entityid} to nonnumber in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Date entity {entityid} in a default condition on entity <ObjectID> cannot be compared with a {date type}.
- Date entity {entityid} in a default condition on entity <ObjectID> cannot be compared with a {value}.
- Date entity <ObjectID> has a name type.
- Date entity <ObjectID> is a table.
- Display fields for entity <ObjectID> should include fields from name entity {entityid}.
- Duplicate database object for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate default condition in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate default relationship for entity <ObjectID> and entity {entityid}.
- Duplicate display field for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate name synonym {synonym}/{value} for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate name type for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate numbers in entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate relationship on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate sort-by field for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate table to memorize names from for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate unknown date relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate unless relationship {relationshipid} on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate word "{word}" for entity <ObjectID>.
- Entity <ObjectID> and entity {entityid} have the same underlying database object(s).
- Entity <ObjectID> cannot load words from table {tableid}.
- Entity <ObjectID> cannot show fields from table {tableid}.
- Entity <ObjectID> has both table and field as database objects.
- Entity <ObjectID> has display fields but is not a table entity.
- Entity <ObjectID> has multiple tables as database objects.
- Entity <ObjectID> has the same words as its {nametype} {entityid}.
- Entity <ObjectID> is a subentity of itself.
- Entity <ObjectID> is name/ID of entity {entityid}, but has entity type other than None.
- Entity <ObjectID> is subentity of {entityid}, but has no join.
- Entity <ObjectID> represented by date field, but not marked as date.
- Entity <ObjectID> should be represented by level {levelid}.
- Entity <ObjectID> should be represented by table <tableid>.
- Entity <ObjectID> uses the word "name".
- Error in entity <ObjectID>.
- Error loading instance values for entity <ObjectID>.
- Fields {fieldid} and {fieldid} in entity <ObjectID> have the same date type.
- Fields from name entity {objectid} are reused in entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid character {char} in word for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid database object for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid database value on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid display field for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid entity on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid entity used in the option Is subentity of.
- Invalid field for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name type for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid numerical references specified.
- Invalid operator on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid related entity for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid sample data for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid sort field for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid synonym word for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid table for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid table specified from which to load words.
- Invalid unknown dates relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid unless relationship on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid value on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
- Invalid word for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing database value on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing related entity on default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing relationship on default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing sample data for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing synonym on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
- Missing words for entity <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case word for entity <ObjectID>.
- More than one entity used in the option Is a subentity of.
- Multiple entities with ID <ObjectID>.
- Multiple field enity <ObjectID> has name synonyms.
- Name structure is not allowed for date entity <ObjectID>.
- Name synonym but no name type on entity <ObjectID>.
- Name type is incompatible with database object type on entity <ObjectID>.
- Name type is incompatible with level date type on entity <ObjectID>.
- Name type is incompatible with property date type on entity <ObjectID>.
- Numeric entity <ObjectID> has name type other than Unique ID.
- Numeric references are not allowed for nontable entity <ObjectID>.
- Numeric word on entity <ObjectID>.
- Remote fields are not allowed for nontable entity <ObjectID>.
- Stand-alone entity <ObjectID> must be either a field entity or a level entity.
- The dimension {objectid} for the time entity <ObjectID> is not a time dimension.
- The entity <ObjectID> in default condition can only be compared with a {datatype}.
- Underscores used in word for entity <ObjectID>.
- Word for entity <ObjectID> is too long.
Field Error Messages
- Aggregate field for field <ObjectID> is not numeric.
- Caption is too long for field <ObjectID>.
- Case mismatch for field {fieldname} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Case mismatch for table {tablename} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Computed field <ObjectID> cannot be in key of table.
- Denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID> has incorrect data type.
- Duplicate aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate capitalization convention for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate caption for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate data type for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate date type for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate name structure for field <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate units of measure for field <ObjectID>.
- Error in field <ObjectID>.
- Field {fieldname} without table name in computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid aggregate type for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid capitalization convention for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid caption for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid combination of name structure and search type for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid data type for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid date type for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name structure for field <ObjectID>.
- Invalid units of measure for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing aggregate type for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing data type for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing date type for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing ID for field <ObjectID>.
- Missing name structure for field <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case unit word for field <ObjectID>.
- Multiple fields with ID <ObjectID>.
- No fiscal year specified, but field <ObjectID> is fiscal.
- Undefined field {fieldname} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Undefined table {tablename} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in unit word for field <ObjectID>.
Global Project Error Messages
- Belongs in nonvalidation compile method errors.
- Default ID entity <ObjectID> has no name phrasing with ID name type.
- Default name entity <ObjectID> has no name type and no name phrasing.
- Duplicate database information.
- Duplicate database time-out.
- Duplicate default date.
- Duplicate default ID entity.
- Duplicate default module name.
- Duplicate default name entity.
- Duplicate default self entity.
- Duplicate DSN.
- Duplicate fiscal year start information.
- Duplicate number of words to load.
- Duplicate regression test date.
- Duplicate regression test output file.
- Duplicate regression test question file.
- Duplicate regression test save file.
- Invalid database time-out.
- Invalid database type.
- Invalid database version.
- Invalid default date.
- Invalid default ID entity.
- Invalid default module name.
- Invalid default name entity.
- Invalid default self entity.
- Invalid DSN.
- Invalid fiscal year start day.
- Invalid fiscal year start month.
- Invalid maximum number of rows set.
- Invalid number of words to load.
- Invalid regression test date.
- Invalid regression test output file.
- Invalid regression test question file.
- Invalid regression test save file.
- Loading more than 10,000 words per entity is not recommended.
- Maximum number of rows to display is specified more than one time.
- Missing fiscal year day.
- Missing fiscal year month.
- OLAP objects in non-OLAP project.
- Undefined {objecttype} {objectid} is referenced in {objecttype} <ObjectID>.
- Undefined {objecttype} {objectid} is referenced in global project settings.
- Unexpected error in global settings.
- Unexpected error.
Join Error Messages
- Computed field {fieldid} used in join condition for join <ObjectID>.
- Conditions for join <ObjectID> do not cover primary key fields of destination table {tableid}.
- Destination field {fieldname} in join <ObjectID> is not a key of destination table {tableid}.
- Destination field {fieldname} is used more than once in join <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate join condition {condition} in join <ObjectID>.
- Error in join <ObjectID>.
- Invalid destination field for join <ObjectID>.
- Invalid destination table for join <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for join <ObjectID>.
- Invalid source field for join <ObjectID>.
- Join <ObjectID> and join {joinid} have the same source fields.
- Join <ObjectID> contains a condition with identical source and destination fields.
- Join <ObjectID> is backward.
- Join <ObjectID> is identical to join {joinid} except the source and destination are reversed.
- Join <ObjectID> is identical to join {joinid}.
- Join field {fieldid} and {fieldid} in join <ObjectID> do not have the same data types.
- Join field {fieldid} in join <ObjectID> has data type "Other".
- Missing destination field for join condition in join <ObjectID>.
- Missing destination table in join <ObjectID>.
- Missing join conditions in join <ObjectID>.
- Missing source field for join condition in join <ObjectID>.
- Multiple joins with ID <ObjectID>.
Level Error Messages
- Data capitalization does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
- Date type does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
- Date/time level <ObjectID> does not refer to a date or time field.
- Duplicate member property for level <ObjectID>.
- Error in level <ObjectID>.
- Invalid date type for level <ObjectID>.
- Invalid field for level <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for level <ObjectID>.
- Missing date type for level <ObjectID>.
- Missing field for level <ObjectID>.
- Missing source field for level <ObjectID>
- Multiple levels with ID <ObjectID>.
- Name structure does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
- Measure Error Messages
- Module Error Messages
Phrasing Error Messages
- Adjective entity {entityid} in phrasing <ObjectID> has no name.
- Adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a multifield entity.
- Adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Dimension or cube entity is object of adjective phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate high-value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate high-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate low-value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate low-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate object entity in prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate preposition {prep} in prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate prepositional phrase "{prep} {entityid}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate role "{roleid}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate subset word "{subset}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate verb "{verb}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate word/value pair "{word} / {value}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate word/value table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Entity {objectid} has a proper name but is used as the object of subset phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Error in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- High threshold is lower than low threshold in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- High-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a number.
- Invalid adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid English values for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid high value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid high value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid lookup value for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid lookup word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid low value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid low value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid main preposition for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid preposition entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid preposition for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid subset noun for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid value field of lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Invalid word field of lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Low-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a number.
- Measurement entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a table entity.
- Missing adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing adjective or object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing code field in lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing high-value adjectives for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing low-value adjectives for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing measurement entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing name entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing name type for name entity in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing preposition entity for prepositional phrase in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing preposition for prepositional phrase in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing subset word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing value in word/value pair for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing word field in lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing word in word/value pair for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Missing word/code pairs for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case subset word used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case verb used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case, high-value adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Mixed-case, low-value adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Multiple phrasings with ID <ObjectID>.
- Name entity {entityid} is table entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Name entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Numeric adjective in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Numeric subset word in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Object for phrasing <ObjectID> has both an entity and a role.
- Phrasing <ObjectID> has a low threshold or a high threshold but not both.
- Phrasing <ObjectID> has a table adjective entity with a multifield key.
- Phrasing <ObjectID> is identical to phrasing {phrasingid}.
- Prepositional phrases in name phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Relationship <ObjectID> uses a dative alternation.
- Relationship <ObjectID> uses a passive voice.
- Subject entity {entityid} is field entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Subject for phrasing <ObjectID> has both an entity and a role.
- Subset entity {entityid} in phrasing <ObjectID> has no name.
- Subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a multifield entity.
- Subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Subset phrasing <ObjectID> has no subset word or object entity.
- Text value is not allowed for associated value in phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Too many object entities for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in high-value word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in low-value word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in subset word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Underscores used in verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
- Verb "{verb}" is not in root form for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Property Error Messages
- Data capitalization does not match field for member property <ObjectID>.
- Error in measure <ObjectID>.
- Error in member property <ObjectID>.
- Invalid aggregate type for measure <ObjectID>.
- Invalid field for measure <ObjectID>.
- Invalid field for member property <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for measure <ObjectID>.
- Invalid name for member property <ObjectID>.
- Missing aggregate type for measure <ObjectID>.
- Missing field for measure <ObjectID>.
- Missing field for member property <ObjectID>.
- Missing name for measure <ObjectID>.
- Missing source field for member property <ObjectID>.
- Multiple measures with ID <ObjectID>.
- Multiple properties with ID <ObjectID>.
- Name structure does not match field for member property <ObjectID>.
Relationships Error Messages
- Case mismatch for field {fieldname} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Case mismatch for table {tablename} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Database entity used as date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Database entity used as duration for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Database entity used as end date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Database entity used as start date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
- Date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
- Duplicate argument {entityid} + {argtype} for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate argument ID {argid} for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate default date for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate duration entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate location entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate phrasing group for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate role for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Duration entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Duration unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
- End date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- End date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
- End date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
- Entity {entityid} should be the date/time of relationship <ObjectID>.
- Entity {entityid} should be the location of relationship <ObjectID>.
- Error in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Field {fieldname} without table name in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid argument ID on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid argument type on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid command ID for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid default date for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid duration entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid entity on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid location entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Invalid start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Location entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Location unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
- Missing argument ID in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing argument type in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing command name for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing command phrasing in phrasing group for command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing entities for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing entity in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing join path to field {fieldid} in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Missing path from join table of relationship <ObjectID> to entity {entityid}.
- Missing phrasings for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Most recent data is not supported for the relationship <ObjectID>.
- Multifield end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Multifield start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Multiple command phrasings in phrasing group for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Multiple possible paths from join table of relationship <ObjectID> to entity {entityid}.
- Multiple quantity/amount in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Multiple relationships with ID <ObjectID>.
- No relationship in OLAP cube between <ObjectID> and {objectid}.
- Nonlocation entity used as location in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Relationship <ObjectID> and relationship {relationshipid} are identical.
- Relationship <ObjectID> and relationship {relationshipid} have measurement phrasings that use the same measurement.
- Relationship <ObjectID> has both a when date and an end date.
- Relationship <ObjectID> has both a when date and start date.
- Relationship <ObjectID> has two measurement phrasings that use the same measurement.
- Relationship <ObjectID> is identical to relationship {relationshipid}.
- Relationships <ObjectID> and {relationshipid} each cover only part of the underlying database relationship.
- Role {roleid} is not marked to always display and does not appear in each phrasing group in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Start date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
- Start date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
- Start date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}
- The entity {entityid} is used as both the {usage} and the {usage} in the relationship <ObjectID>.
- Too many phrasings in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Too many roles in relationship <ObjectID>.
- Undefined field {fieldname} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Undefined table {tablename} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
- Ungrouped noncommand phrasing in command relationship <ObjectID>.
- Unsupported quantity/amount in phrasing {phrasingid} in relationship <ObjectID>.
Role Error Messages
- Duplicate amount entity for role <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate join in join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
- Duplicate quantity entity for role <ObjectID>.
- Entity {entityid} used as amount of itself in role <ObjectID>.
- Entity {entityid} used as quantity of itself in role <ObjectID>.
- Error in role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid amount field for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid entity for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid ID for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid join in join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
- Invalid quantity entity for role <ObjectID>.
- Missing entity for role <ObjectID>.
- Missing join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Missing joins in join path for role <ObjectID>.
- Missing nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
- Multifield entity {entityid} used as amount on role <ObjectID>.
- Multifield entity {entityid} used as quantity on role <ObjectID>.
- Multiple roles with ID <ObjectID>.
- Nonmeasure entity {entityid} used as amount on role <ObjectID>.
- Nonmeasure entity {entityid} used as quantity on role <ObjectID>
- Role <ObjectID> has a nondatabase entity data type in a noncommand relationship.
- Role <ObjectID> is a database entity but has a nondatabase entity data type.
- Role <ObjectID> is mandatory, but has no name phrasing.
- Role <ObjectID> is mandatory, but is not a number, name, or date.
- Role <ObjectID> is marked to always display in a command relationship.
- Role <ObjectID> is not marked to always display and does not appear in each phrasing group.
- Role <ObjectID> is not marked to always display and does not appear in phrasing {phrasingid}.
- Source/destination mismatch in join path for role <ObjectID>
- Table Error Messages
- Various Error Messages
Cube Error Messages