English Query Documentation
Authoring Object Model Diagram
English Query
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English Query
Authoring Object Model Diagram
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Table of contents
English Query Overview
What's New in English Query
Installation Requirements and Considerations
English Query Fundamentals
SQL Database Normalization Rules
Updating or Replacing Models
Importing and Exporting Models to Meta Data Services
Developing and Deploying English Query Applications
Creating an English Query Model
Expanding an English Query Model
Creating a Mixed English Query Model
Enabling Analysis Services for an English Query Model
Enabling SQL for an English Query Model
Enabling Full-Text Search for an English Query Model
Defining Entities in an English Query Model
Associating Entities
Entity Name Synonyms
Entity Defaults
Entities as Roles
Defining Relationship Phrasings
Prepositional Phrasings in Relationships
Grouped Phrasings Examples
Verb Phrasings in Relationships
Adjective Phrasings in Relationships
Using Command Relationships in an English Query Model
Verbs to Avoid in Command Relationships
Authoring with Semantic Modeling Format
Testing an English Query Model
Compiling an English Query Application
Deploying an English Query Application
Adding Question Builder to an English Query Application
Automatic Clarification of Questions
Run-Time Environment for English Query Applications
Redistributing the English Query Run-time DLLs
Sample Applications and Client Interfaces
Analysis Services in English Query
Naming Entities in the OLAP Project Wizard
Creating Relationships in the OLAP Project Wizard
Level-Level Relationships
Additional Relationships
Analysis Services Requirements for (All) Level
Object Model Reference
Authoring Object Model
Authoring Object Model Diagram
Authoring Objects Summary
EQError Object
EQModel Object
Authoring Properties Summary
ErrorCode Property
Errors Property
FileName Property
LineNumber Property
ObjectID Property (EQError Object)
ObjectType Property (EQError Object)
Severity Property
Text Property (EQError Object)
Authoring Methods Summary
AutoModel Method
Build Method
Compile Method
CreateProject Method
FetchDatabaseStructure Method
OpenModule Method
OpenProject Method
OpenProjectFromXMLDOM Method
SaveModule Method
SaveProject Method
SaveProjectAsSMF Method
SaveProjectFile Method
SaveProjectToXMLDOM Method
Authoring Sample Script
Engine Object Model
Engine Object Model Diagram
Engine Objects Summary
AnswerCmd Object
Command Object
CommandResponse Object
DomainCmd Object
DomainInfo Object
ErrorResponse Object
HelpCmd Object
ListInput Object
ObjectReference Object
Parameter Object
QueryCmd Object
Response Object
Session Object
StaticInput Object
TextInput Object
UserClarifyResponse Object
UserInput Object
Engine Properties Summary
Answer Property
Caption Property
ClarifySpellingErrors Property
Closed Property
CmdID Property
CommandName Property
DBMSType Property (QueryCmd Object)
DBMSType Property (Session Object)
DBMSVersion Property
Description Property (ErrorResponse Object)
DisplayRows Property
DisplayToUser Property
DomainInfo Property
FallbackDBMSType Property
FallbackDBMSVersion Property
FieldCount Property
Fields Property (Parameter Object)
FullName Property
HelpText Property (HelpCmd Object)
HelpType Property
IgnoreError Property
ItemCount Property
Items Property
ObjectID Property (HelpCmd Object)
ObjectID Property (ObjectReference Object)
ObjectType Property (HelpCmd Object)
ObjectType Property (ObjectReference Object)
ParameterID Property
ParameterType Property
QueryCommand Property
QueryText Property
QuestionBuilder Property
Restatement Property
RetainContext Property
Selection Property
SQL Property
TableCaption Property
Text Property (TextInput Object)
TrueFalseAnswer Property
Type Property (Response Object)
Type Property (UserInput Object)
Units Property
Value Property
Engine Methods Summary
ClearContext Method
Close Method
InitDomain Method
ParseRequest Method
Reply Method
SetDBMS Method
SetFallBackDBMS Method
Engine Collections Summary
Commands Collection
EndCommands Collection
Parameters Collection
QueryCommands Collection
UserInputs Collection
Engine Collections Properties Summary
Count Property
Engine Collections Methods Summary
Index Method (Engine Object Model)
Question Builder Object Model
Question Builder Object Model Diagram
Question Builder Objects Summary
QBEntity Object
QBRelationship Object
QBTemplate Object
QuestionBuilder Object
Question Builder Properties Summary
Description Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
Description Property (QBTemplateObject)
HelpText Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
InstanceValues Property
IsMajor Property
ObjectID Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
ObjectType Property (QBEntity Object, QBRelationship Object)
Parent Property
Plural Property
Singular Property
SummaryText Property
Synonyms Property
Value Property
Question Builder Methods Summary
FindObject Method
FindTemplates Method
GetCommonRelationships Method
GetExamples Method
Question Builder Collections Summary
Entities Collection
RelatedEntities Collection
Relationships Collection
RelatedRelationships Collection
Templates Collection
Question Builder Collections Methods Summary
Index Method (Question Builder Object Model)
How To
Working with Projects
How to add a new project to a solution
How to add an existing project to a solution
How to create a new project
How to create a new project using the SQL Project wizard
How to create a project using the OLAP Project wizard
How to remove a database from a project
How to remove a project from the solution
How to create and modify project properties
How to add a module
How to remove a module
How to modify the data source in a project
Working with Models
How to add entities and relationships using the Create Semantics command
How to add or change a SQL connection
How to add or change an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) connection
How to create a mixed model
How to delete a field from a model
How to edit a field in a model
Working with Joins
How to add a join
How to delete a join
How to edit a join
Working with Tables
How to add a field to a table
How to add a table
How to add tables and views from a SQL data source
How to change the table options for a relationship
How to delete a table
How to edit a table
How to enable full-text searching for a field
How to refresh all tables in a project
Working with Entities
How to add an entity to a relationship
How to create an entity
How to delete an entity
How to delete an entity from a relationship
How to edit an entity
How to edit the entity's role in a relationship
Working with Relationships
How to add a relationship
How to add phrasings to a relationship
How to add time and location options to a relationship
How to create a relationship using the Canvas pane
How to create relationships from the Model Test Window
How to create relationships using the Create Relationships command
How to associate English Data values with a relationship
How to delete a relationship
How to modify a relationship
Working with Dictionary Entries
How to add a dictionary entry
How to delete a dictionary entry
How to edit a dictionary entry
Working with Command Relationships
How to add a phrasing to a command relationship
How to create a command relationship
How to create time and location options for command relationships
How to delete a command relationship
How to edit a command relationship
Working with Analysis Services (formerly OLAP Services)
How to add an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube to a model
How to edit an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube
How to edit Analysis Services levels
How to edit Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) measures
How to edit Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) properties
How to enable Analysis Services (formerly OLAP)
How to manually map OLAP objects to the underlying SQL database objects
How to remove an Analysis Services (formerly OLAP) cube
Testing and Building a Model
How to add a new or existing regression test file to a project
How to build an application
How to edit a regression test file
How to remove a regression test file
How to rename a regression test file
How to save model test information to a regression test file
How to save the regression output to a regression test file
How to set the Sample Data option
How to test a model
How to view the differences between the current regression test file and the regression output file
How to view the output of a regression test created using the Run Regression command
How to deploy an application to the Web
English Query User Interface Help Reference
Shortcut Keys Used in English Query
Icons and Cursors Used in English Query
Buttons Used in English Query
Project Wizards
OLAP Project Wizard
SQL Project Wizard
Suggestion Wizard
Model Editor
OLAP Tab (Model Editor)
Semantics Tab (Model Editor)
SQL Tab (Model Editor)
Regression Test Editor
Model Test Window
Dialog Boxes
Add/Edit Entity Default Dialog Box
Adjective Phrasing Dialog Box
Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box
Entity Defaults Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)
Name Synonyms Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)
Semantic Properties Tab (Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box)
Command Phrasing Dialog Box
English Data Values Dialog Box
Entity/New Entity Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Join/New Join Dialog Box
Name/ID Phrasing Dialog Box
New <Database Object> Dialog Box
New Dictionary Entry Dialog Box
OLAP Dimension Dialog Box
OLAP Cube Dialog Box
Preposition Phrasing Dialog Box
Project Properties Dialog Box
Data Connection Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
Default Relationships Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
English Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)
Regression Differences Dialog Box
Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box
Command Tab (Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box)
Database Tab (Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box)
Semantics Tab (Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box)
<Role Name>Role Dialog Box
<Role Name> Role In Command Dialog Box
Select An Analysis Server Dialog Box
Select Phrasing Dialog Box
Select Remote Fields Dialog Box
Specify Join Path Dialog Box
Subset Phrasing Dialog Box
Table/New Table Dialog Box
Basic Tab (Table/New Table Dialog Box)
Advanced Tab (Table/New Table Dialog Box)
Test Properties Dialog Box
Trait Phrasing Dialog Box
Verb Phrasing Dialog Box
Troubleshooting English Query Applications
English Query Usage Issues
Compile-Time Error Messages (Authoring Object Model)
Cube Error Messages
Duplicate default measure for cube <ObjectID>.
Duplicate dimension for cube <ObjectID>.
Duplicate measure for cube <ObjectID>.
Error in cube <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for cube <ObjectID>.
Invalid table for cube <ObjectID>.
Missing default measure in cube <ObjectID>.
Missing dimensions for cube <ObjectID>.
Missing fact table for cube <ObjectID>.
Missing measures for cube <ObjectID>.
Missing table for cube <ObjectID>.
Multiple cubes with ID <ObjectID>.
Dictionary Entry Error Messages
Duplicate irregular form in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Duplicate root word in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Error in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Invalid character in write synonym for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Invalid irregular form for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Invalid irregular form type for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Invalid part of speech for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Invalid root word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing irregular form in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing irregular type in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing part of speech in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing read word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing root word in dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Missing write word for dictionary entry <ObjectID>.
Multiple dictionary entries with ID <ObjectID>.
Write synonym in dictionary entry <ObjectID> is identical to the root word.
Dimension Error Messages
Date types of levels in time dimension <ObjectID> are not in descending order.
Duplicate level for dimension <ObjectID>.
Error in dimension <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for dimension <ObjectID>.
Invalid table for dimension <ObjectID>.
Invalid type for dimension <ObjectID>.
Missing levels for dimension <ObjectID>.
Missing source table for dimension <ObjectID>.
Missing table for dimension <ObjectID>.
Missing type for dimension <ObjectID>.
Multiple dimensions with ID <ObjectID>.
Entity Error Messages
A database object is not specified for measure entity <ObjectID>.
Comparing {datepart} to entity that has no {datepart} in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Comparing date entity {entityid} to nondate in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Comparing integer entity {entityid} to noninteger in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Comparing numeric entity {entityid} to nonnumber in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Date entity {entityid} in a default condition on entity <ObjectID> cannot be compared with a {date type}.
Date entity {entityid} in a default condition on entity <ObjectID> cannot be compared with a {value}.
Date entity <ObjectID> has a name type.
Date entity <ObjectID> is a table.
Display fields for entity <ObjectID> should include fields from name entity {entityid}.
Duplicate database object for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate default condition in entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate default relationship for entity <ObjectID> and entity {entityid}.
Duplicate display field for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate name synonym {synonym}/{value} for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate name type for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate numbers in entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate relationship on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate sort-by field for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate table to memorize names from for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate unknown date relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate unless relationship {relationshipid} on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Duplicate word "{word}" for entity <ObjectID>.
Entity <ObjectID> and entity {entityid} have the same underlying database object(s).
Entity <ObjectID> cannot load words from table {tableid}.
Entity <ObjectID> cannot show fields from table {tableid}.
Entity <ObjectID> has both table and field as database objects.
Entity <ObjectID> has display fields but is not a table entity.
Entity <ObjectID> has multiple tables as database objects.
Entity <ObjectID> has the same words as its {nametype} {entityid}.
Entity <ObjectID> is a subentity of itself.
Entity <ObjectID> is name/ID of entity {entityid}, but has entity type other than None.
Entity <ObjectID> is subentity of {entityid}, but has no join.
Entity <ObjectID> represented by date field, but not marked as date.
Entity <ObjectID> should be represented by level {levelid}.
Entity <ObjectID> should be represented by table <tableid>.
Entity <ObjectID> uses the word "name".
Error in entity <ObjectID>.
Error loading instance values for entity <ObjectID>.
Fields {fieldid} and {fieldid} in entity <ObjectID> have the same date type.
Fields from name entity {objectid} are reused in entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid character {char} in word for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid database object for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid database value on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid display field for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid entity on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid entity used in the option Is subentity of.
Invalid field for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid name type for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid numerical references specified.
Invalid operator on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid related entity for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid sample data for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid sort field for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid synonym word for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid table for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid table specified from which to load words.
Invalid unknown dates relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid unless relationship on entity default for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid value on entity default condition for entity <ObjectID>.
Invalid word for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing database value on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing entity type for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing related entity on default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing relationship on default relationship for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing sample data for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing synonym on name synonym for entity <ObjectID>.
Missing words for entity <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case word for entity <ObjectID>.
More than one entity used in the option Is a subentity of.
Multiple entities with ID <ObjectID>.
Multiple field enity <ObjectID> has name synonyms.
Name structure is not allowed for date entity <ObjectID>.
Name synonym but no name type on entity <ObjectID>.
Name type is incompatible with database object type on entity <ObjectID>.
Name type is incompatible with level date type on entity <ObjectID>.
Name type is incompatible with property date type on entity <ObjectID>.
Numeric entity <ObjectID> has name type other than Unique ID.
Numeric references are not allowed for nontable entity <ObjectID>.
Numeric word on entity <ObjectID>.
Remote fields are not allowed for nontable entity <ObjectID>.
Stand-alone entity <ObjectID> must be either a field entity or a level entity.
The dimension {objectid} for the time entity <ObjectID> is not a time dimension.
The entity <ObjectID> in default condition can only be compared with a {datatype}.
Underscores used in word for entity <ObjectID>.
Word for entity <ObjectID> is too long.
Field Error Messages
Aggregate field for field <ObjectID> is not numeric.
Caption is too long for field <ObjectID>.
Case mismatch for field {fieldname} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
Case mismatch for table {tablename} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
Computed field <ObjectID> cannot be in key of table.
Denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID> has incorrect data type.
Duplicate aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate capitalization convention for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate caption for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate computation for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate data type for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate date type for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate name structure for field <ObjectID>.
Duplicate units of measure for field <ObjectID>.
Error in field <ObjectID>.
Field {fieldname} without table name in computation for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid aggregate type for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid capitalization convention for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid caption for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid combination of name structure and search type for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid computation for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid data type for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid date type for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid denormalized copy field for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid name structure for field <ObjectID>.
Invalid units of measure for field <ObjectID>.
Missing aggregate field for field <ObjectID>.
Missing aggregate type for field <ObjectID>.
Missing data type for field <ObjectID>.
Missing date type for field <ObjectID>.
Missing ID for field <ObjectID>.
Missing name structure for field <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case unit word for field <ObjectID>.
Multiple fields with ID <ObjectID>.
No fiscal year specified, but field <ObjectID> is fiscal.
Undefined field {fieldname} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
Undefined table {tablename} in computation for field <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in unit word for field <ObjectID>.
Global Project Error Messages
Belongs in nonvalidation compile method errors.
Default ID entity <ObjectID> has no name phrasing with ID name type.
Default name entity <ObjectID> has no name type and no name phrasing.
Duplicate database information.
Duplicate database time-out.
Duplicate default date.
Duplicate default ID entity.
Duplicate default module name.
Duplicate default name entity.
Duplicate default self entity.
Duplicate DSN.
Duplicate fiscal year start information.
Duplicate number of words to load.
Duplicate regression test date.
Duplicate regression test output file.
Duplicate regression test question file.
Duplicate regression test save file.
Invalid database time-out.
Invalid database type.
Invalid database version.
Invalid default date.
Invalid default ID entity.
Invalid default module name.
Invalid default name entity.
Invalid default self entity.
Invalid DSN.
Invalid fiscal year start day.
Invalid fiscal year start month.
Invalid maximum number of rows set.
Invalid number of words to load.
Invalid regression test date.
Invalid regression test output file.
Invalid regression test question file.
Invalid regression test save file.
Loading more than 10,000 words per entity is not recommended.
Maximum number of rows to display is specified more than one time.
Missing fiscal year day.
Missing fiscal year month.
OLAP objects in non-OLAP project.
Undefined {objecttype} {objectid} is referenced in {objecttype} <ObjectID>.
Undefined {objecttype} {objectid} is referenced in global project settings.
Unexpected error in global settings.
Unexpected error.
Join Error Messages
Computed field {fieldid} used in join condition for join <ObjectID>.
Conditions for join <ObjectID> do not cover primary key fields of destination table {tableid}.
Destination field {fieldname} in join <ObjectID> is not a key of destination table {tableid}.
Destination field {fieldname} is used more than once in join <ObjectID>.
Duplicate join condition {condition} in join <ObjectID>.
Error in join <ObjectID>.
Invalid destination field for join <ObjectID>.
Invalid destination table for join <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for join <ObjectID>.
Invalid source field for join <ObjectID>.
Join <ObjectID> and join {joinid} have the same source fields.
Join <ObjectID> contains a condition with identical source and destination fields.
Join <ObjectID> is backward.
Join <ObjectID> is identical to join {joinid} except the source and destination are reversed.
Join <ObjectID> is identical to join {joinid}.
Join field {fieldid} and {fieldid} in join <ObjectID> do not have the same data types.
Join field {fieldid} in join <ObjectID> has data type "Other".
Missing destination field for join condition in join <ObjectID>.
Missing destination table in join <ObjectID>.
Missing join conditions in join <ObjectID>.
Missing source field for join condition in join <ObjectID>.
Multiple joins with ID <ObjectID>.
Level Error Messages
Data capitalization does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
Date type does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
Date/time level <ObjectID> does not refer to a date or time field.
Duplicate member property for level <ObjectID>.
Error in level <ObjectID>.
Invalid date type for level <ObjectID>.
Invalid field for level <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for level <ObjectID>.
Missing date type for level <ObjectID>.
Missing field for level <ObjectID>.
Missing source field for level <ObjectID>
Multiple levels with ID <ObjectID>.
Name structure does not match field for level <ObjectID>.
Measure Error Messages
Nonnumeric field is associated with measure <ObjectID>.
Units does not match field for measure <ObjectID>.
Module Error Messages
Multiple modules with ID <ObjectID>
Phrasing Error Messages
Adjective entity {entityid} in phrasing <ObjectID> has no name.
Adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a multifield entity.
Adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Dimension or cube entity is object of adjective phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate high-value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate high-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate low-value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate low-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate object entity in prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate preposition {prep} in prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate prepositional phrase "{prep} {entityid}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate role "{roleid}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate subset word "{subset}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate verb "{verb}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate word/value pair "{word} / {value}" for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Duplicate word/value table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Entity {objectid} has a proper name but is used as the object of subset phrasing <ObjectID>.
Error in phrasing <ObjectID>.
High threshold is lower than low threshold in phrasing <ObjectID>.
High-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a number.
Invalid adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid English values for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid high value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid high value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid lookup value for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid lookup word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid low value adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid low value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid main preposition for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid preposition entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid preposition for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid subset noun for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid value field of lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Invalid word field of lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Low-value threshold for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a number.
Measurement entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a table entity.
Missing adjective entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing adjective or object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing code field in lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing high-value adjectives for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing low-value adjectives for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing measurement entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing name entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing name type for name entity in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing object entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing preposition entity for prepositional phrase in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing preposition for prepositional phrase in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing prepositional phrase for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing subset word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing value in word/value pair for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing word field in lookup table for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing word in word/value pair for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Missing word/code pairs for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case subset word used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case verb used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case, high-value adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Mixed-case, low-value adjective used for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Multiple phrasings with ID <ObjectID>.
Name entity {entityid} is table entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Name entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Numeric adjective in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Numeric subset word in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Object for phrasing <ObjectID> has both an entity and a role.
Phrasing <ObjectID> has a low threshold or a high threshold but not both.
Phrasing <ObjectID> has a table adjective entity with a multifield key.
Phrasing <ObjectID> is identical to phrasing {phrasingid}.
Prepositional phrases in name phrasing <ObjectID>.
Relationship <ObjectID> uses a dative alternation.
Relationship <ObjectID> uses a passive voice.
Subject entity {entityid} is field entity for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Subject entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Subject for phrasing <ObjectID> has both an entity and a role.
Subset entity {entityid} in phrasing <ObjectID> has no name.
Subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is a multifield entity.
Subset entity for phrasing <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Subset phrasing <ObjectID> has no subset word or object entity.
Text value is not allowed for associated value in phrasing <ObjectID>.
Too many object entities for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in adjective for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in high-value word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in low-value word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in subset word for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Underscores used in verb for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Verb "{verb}" is not in root form for phrasing <ObjectID>.
Property Error Messages
Data capitalization does not match field for member property <ObjectID>.
Error in measure <ObjectID>.
Error in member property <ObjectID>.
Invalid aggregate type for measure <ObjectID>.
Invalid field for measure <ObjectID>.
Invalid field for member property <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for measure <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for member property <ObjectID>.
Missing aggregate type for measure <ObjectID>.
Missing field for measure <ObjectID>.
Missing field for member property <ObjectID>.
Missing name for measure <ObjectID>.
Missing source field for member property <ObjectID>.
Multiple measures with ID <ObjectID>.
Multiple properties with ID <ObjectID>.
Name structure does not match field for member property <ObjectID>.
Relationships Error Messages
Case mismatch for field {fieldname} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Case mismatch for table {tablename} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Database entity used as date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
Database entity used as duration for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
Database entity used as end date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
Database entity used as start date for the command relationship <ObjectID>.
Date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
Date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
Duplicate argument {entityid} + {argtype} for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate argument ID {argid} for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate default date for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate duration entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate location entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate phrasing group for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate role for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duplicate start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Duration entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Duration unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
End date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
End date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
End date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
Entity {entityid} should be the date/time of relationship <ObjectID>.
Entity {entityid} should be the location of relationship <ObjectID>.
Error in relationship <ObjectID>.
Field {fieldname} without table name in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid argument ID on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid argument type on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid command ID for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid default date for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid duration entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid entity on command argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid location entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Invalid start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Location entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Location unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}.
Missing argument ID in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing argument type in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing command name for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing command phrasing in phrasing group for command relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing entities for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing entity in argument for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing join path to field {fieldid} in relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing join table for relationship <ObjectID>.
Missing path from join table of relationship <ObjectID> to entity {entityid}.
Missing phrasings for relationship <ObjectID>.
Most recent data is not supported for the relationship <ObjectID>.
Multifield end date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Multifield start date entity for relationship <ObjectID>.
Multiple command phrasings in phrasing group for relationship <ObjectID>.
Multiple possible paths from join table of relationship <ObjectID> to entity {entityid}.
Multiple quantity/amount in relationship <ObjectID>.
Multiple relationships with ID <ObjectID>.
No relationship in OLAP cube between <ObjectID> and {objectid}.
Nonlocation entity used as location in relationship <ObjectID>.
Relationship <ObjectID> and relationship {relationshipid} are identical.
Relationship <ObjectID> and relationship {relationshipid} have measurement phrasings that use the same measurement.
Relationship <ObjectID> has both a when date and an end date.
Relationship <ObjectID> has both a when date and start date.
Relationship <ObjectID> has two measurement phrasings that use the same measurement.
Relationship <ObjectID> is identical to relationship {relationshipid}.
Relationships <ObjectID> and {relationshipid} each cover only part of the underlying database relationship.
Role {roleid} is not marked to always display and does not appear in each phrasing group in relationship <ObjectID>.
Start date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a database entity.
Start date entity for relationship <ObjectID> is not a date.
Start date unsupported by phrasing in relationship {ObjectID}
The entity {entityid} is used as both the {usage} and the {usage} in the relationship <ObjectID>.
Too many phrasings in relationship <ObjectID>.
Too many roles in relationship <ObjectID>.
Undefined field {fieldname} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Undefined table {tablename} in SQL condition for relationship <ObjectID>.
Ungrouped noncommand phrasing in command relationship <ObjectID>.
Unsupported quantity/amount in phrasing {phrasingid} in relationship <ObjectID>.
Role Error Messages
Duplicate amount entity for role <ObjectID>.
Duplicate join in join path for role <ObjectID>.
Duplicate join path for role <ObjectID>.
Duplicate nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
Duplicate quantity entity for role <ObjectID>.
Entity {entityid} used as amount of itself in role <ObjectID>.
Entity {entityid} used as quantity of itself in role <ObjectID>.
Error in role <ObjectID>.
Invalid amount field for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid entity for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid ID for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid join in join path for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid join path for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
Invalid quantity entity for role <ObjectID>.
Missing entity for role <ObjectID>.
Missing join path for role <ObjectID>.
Missing joins in join path for role <ObjectID>.
Missing nondatabase entity data type for role <ObjectID>.
Multifield entity {entityid} used as amount on role <ObjectID>.
Multifield entity {entityid} used as quantity on role <ObjectID>.
Multiple roles with ID <ObjectID>.
Nonmeasure entity {entityid} used as amount on role <ObjectID>.
Nonmeasure entity {entityid} used as quantity on role <ObjectID>
Role <ObjectID> has a nondatabase entity data type in a noncommand relationship.
Role <ObjectID> is a database entity but has a nondatabase entity data type.
Role <ObjectID> is mandatory, but has no name phrasing.
Role <ObjectID> is mandatory, but is not a number, name, or date.
Role <ObjectID> is marked to always display in a command relationship.
Role <ObjectID> is not marked to always display and does not appear in each phrasing group.
Role <ObjectID> is not marked to always display and does not appear in phrasing {phrasingid}.
Source/destination mismatch in join path for role <ObjectID>
Table Error Messages
Duplicate field in table <ObjectID>.
Error in table <ObjectID>.
Invalid name for table <ObjectID>.
Missing fields for table <ObjectID>.
Missing keys for table <ObjectID>.
Multiple tables with ID <ObjectID>.
Various Error Messages
The ID of {objecttype} <ObjectID> is too long.
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