Engine Properties Summary

English Query

English Query

Engine Properties Summary

The table shows the properties of the Engine object model and the objects to which they apply.

Property Applies to
Answer Property AnswerCmd Object
Caption Property Listlnput Object

StaticInput Object

TextInput Object

ClarifySpellingErrors Property Session Object
Closed Property DomainInfo Object
CmdID Property Command Object

DomainCmd Object

CommandName Property DomainCmd Object
DBMSType Property QueryCmd Object
DBMSType Property Session Object
DBMSVersion Property Session Object
Description Property ErrorResponse Object
DisplayRows Property QueryCmd Object
DisplayToUser Property QueryCmd Object
DomainInfo Property Session Object
FallbackDBMSType Property FallbackDBMSType Property
FallbackDBMSVersion Property FallbackDBMSVersion Property
FieldCount Property Parameter Object
Fields Property Parameter Object
FullName Property DomainInfo Object
HelpText Property HelpCmd Object
HelpType Property HelpCmd Object
IgnoreError Property QueryCmd Object
ItemCount Property Listlnput Object
Items Property Listlnput Object
ObjectID Property HelpCmd Object
ObjectID Property ObjectReference Object
ObjectType Property HelpCmd Object
ObjectType Property ObjectReference Object
ParameterID Property Parameter Object
ParameterType Property Parameter Object
QueryCommand Property Parameter Object
QueryText Property QueryCmd Object
QuestionBuilder Property DomainInfo Object
Restatement Property CommandResponse Object
RetainContext Property Session Object
Selection Property Listlnput Object
SQL Property QueryCmd Object
TableCaption Property QueryCmd Object
Text Property TextInput Object
TrueFalseAnswer Property QueryCmd Object
Type Property CommandResponse Object

ErrorResponse Object

Response Object

UserClarifyResponse Object

Type Property UserInput Object
Units Property Parameter Object
Value Property Parameter Object