COM Automation Interface


COM Automation Interface > COM Automation Interface

WinWCP implements a COM automation server which allows its recording and seal test functions to be controlled from VBSCRIPT batch files or from applications such as Matlab which supports COM automation.


The name of the WinWCP automation object is WinWCP.AUTO and is opened by the VBSCRIPT command

set WCP = CreateObject(“”)

Recording functions

Recording can be started/stopped, data files created/opened and the recording trigger mode and stimulus pulse protocols selected. The recording methods and properties are listed below.

Recording Methods & Properties



Creates a new data file with the supplied name



Opens a pre-existing data file with the supplied name



Starts recording to disk.



Stops recording to disk.


R/W Property

Reads/sets the holding voltage (in Volts) applied to the cell. E.g. WCP.HoldingVoltage = -0.06


R/W Property

Read/sets the recording sweep trigger mode. “F”=Free run, “E”= External trigger, “D”= Event Detection, “P”= Stimulus Pulse.
E.g. WCP.TriggerMode = “F”


R/W Property

Read/sets the selected stimulus pulse protocol.
e.g. WCP.StimulusProtocol = “prot01”


Read Only

Reads the current operational status of WinWCP. (0= idle, 1=seal test running, 2=recording to disk)


Seal test functions

WinWCP’s seal test function can be initiated via the command interface and used to apply test pulses to cells and calculate the cell membrane conductance, capacity, access conductance and pipette seal resistance. These measurements can be read via the command interface while the seal test is running.

The seal test commands are listed below:

Seal Test Methods and Properties



Displays the seal test window and applies the seal test pulse.


R/W Property

Reads/sets the amplitude (Volts) of the seal test pulse
(e.g. WCP.SealTestPulseAmplitude= 0.01)


R/W Property

Reads/sets the duration amplitude (S) of the seal test pulse
(e.g.  WCP.SealTestPulseDuration= 0.01)


R/W Property

Set cell parameters smoothing factor (0.1 - 1.0) ' 1 = no smoothing, ' 0.1 = maximum smoothing (equivalent to averaging over 10 pulses


Read Only

Reads the most recent cell holding potential (V) measurement, computed by the seal test.


Read Only

Returns the most recent cell holding current (A) measurement, computed by the seal test.


Read Only

Reads the most recent cell access conductance (S) measurement.


Read Only

Reads the most recent cell membrane conductance (S) measurement.


Read Only

Reads the most recent cell capacity (F) measurement.


Read Only

Reads the most recent pipette seal resistance () measurement.


A file (WinWCP VBSCRIPT Example.vbs)containing VBSCRIPT example code can be found in the c:\program files\winwcp folder.