Updating PC-cillin 2002
To protect your computer against the latest threats, you need to regularly update your program files, scan engine, and pattern files. Since new viruses are rapidly being discovered, it is crucial to regularly update your virus pattern files. In addition, as new viruses appear, and existing ones evolve, it becomes necessary to update certain program files and add new functionality to the scan engine. Updating your scan engine ensures PC-cillin can act on the new instructions in the virus pattern and successfully identify and clean the virus.
Before you can update PC-cillin you must register your software.
To update PC-cillin 2002:
On the PC-cillin window, click the Simple tab. The Simple mode menu appears.
Click the Update Now link. The Upgrade Now screen appears. The meter displays the update progress. If you need to halt the update, click Stop. To continue updating, click Update.
See also:
Viewing pattern file and scan engine information