About rescue disks
Certain types of boot viruses can prevent your computer from booting normally. To clean these viruses you need to start your computer from a clean disk and not the infected hard drive. A "rescue disk" is a bootable floppy disk that PC-cillin can create if you are running Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me.
Rescue disks should be write-protected after they are created. You need multiple disks to create the complete set of rescue disks.
(Disk 1) Emergency Boot Disk: Contains files necessary to start your computer. Use to start your computer if a boot virus has infected your computer and you cannot start your computer normally.
(Disk 2) PCSCAN Files Disk: Contains the scan engine. Use with the Pattern File disks to detect and clean viruses located in the boot sector of your computer.
(Disks 3 and others) Pattern File Disks: Contains pattern files so you can detect the latest viruses. Use with the PCSCAN Files disk to detect and clean viruses located in the boot sector of your computer.
Important: Do not restart your computer using rescue disks that were created for an earlier version of PC-cillin--this can result in data loss.
See also: