Editing trusted sites
You can edit a trusted site including modifying the host name, IP address, IP address range, and the subnet.
To edit a trusted site:
On the PC-cillin window, click Settings. The Settings window appears.
On the Settings menu, click the Personal Firewall link. The menu expands.
Click the Trusted Sites link. The Trusted Sites screen appears.
On the Trusted Sites List, select the site you want to edit.
Click Edit. The IP Setting dialog box appears. Do the following:
To edit the type of IP setting, select the type from the Type list: HostName, IPAddress, IPRange, and Subnet and make your changes.
To edit the description, type your new description in the Description box.
Click OK. If you select the check box next to the trusted site, the site is "trusted" and considered safe. If you clear the check box the site is not "trusted".
Click Apply.
See also:
Enabling your Personal Firewall