Enabling the Site filter
Enable the Site filter to control access to offensive Web sites.
To enable the Site filter:
On the PC-cillin window, click Settings. The Settings window appears.
On the Settings menu, click the Internet Security link. The menu expands.
Click the Site Filter link. The Site Filter screen appears.
Select the Enable Site filter check box.
If you only want Site filter to warn someone trying to retrieve a restricted site but then allow entry to restricted sites, select the Permit access to the restricted sites... check box. If this check box is clear, any Web site in the Restricted sites list will not be loaded and a message will appear in the browser notifying the user they are trying to access a restricted site.
Click Apply. A message box appears notifying you that the change will not take effect until you restart your computer or log off and log on again.
Click OK.
Restart your computer or log on again to immediately enable the function.
See also:
Protecting the Site filter screen