Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- S : sf::Keyboard
- sampleCount : sf::SoundFileReader::Info , sf::SoundStream::Chunk
- sampleRate : sf::SoundFileReader::Info
- samples : sf::SoundStream::Chunk
- saveToFile() : sf::Image , sf::SoundBuffer
- scale() : sf::Transform , sf::Transformable
- seconds() : sf::Time
- seek() : sf::FileInputStream , sf::InputSoundFile , sf::InputStream , sf::MemoryInputStream , sf::SoundFileReader
- SemiColon : sf::Keyboard
- send() : sf::TcpSocket , sf::UdpSocket
- sendCommand() : sf::Ftp
- sendRequest() : sf::Http
- sensor : sf::Event
- SensorChanged : sf::Event
- ServiceNotAvailable : sf::Http::Response
- ServiceReady : sf::Ftp::Response
- ServiceReadySoon : sf::Ftp::Response
- ServiceUnavailable : sf::Ftp::Response
- setActive() : sf::Context , sf::RenderTexture , sf::Window
- setAttenuation() : sf::SoundSource
- setBlocking() : sf::Socket
- setBody() : sf::Http::Request
- setBuffer() : sf::Sound
- setCenter() : sf::View
- setCharacterSize() : sf::Text
- setColor() : sf::Sprite , sf::Text
- setDevice() : sf::SoundRecorder
- setDirection() : sf::Listener
- setEnabled() : sf::Sensor
- setField() : sf::Http::Request
- setFillColor() : sf::Shape
- setFont() : sf::Text
- setFramerateLimit() : sf::Window
- setGlobalVolume() : sf::Listener
- setHost() : sf::Http
- setHttpVersion() : sf::Http::Request
- setIcon() : sf::Window
- setJoystickThreshold() : sf::Window
- setKeyRepeatEnabled() : sf::Window
- setLoop() : sf::Sound , sf::SoundStream
- setMethod() : sf::Http::Request
- setMinDistance() : sf::SoundSource
- setMouseCursorVisible() : sf::Window
- setOrigin() : sf::Transformable
- setOutlineColor() : sf::Shape
- setOutlineThickness() : sf::Shape
- setParameter() : sf::Shader
- setPitch() : sf::SoundSource
- setPixel() : sf::Image
- setPlayingOffset() : sf::Sound , sf::SoundStream
- setPoint() : sf::ConvexShape
- setPointCount() : sf::CircleShape , sf::ConvexShape
- setPosition() : sf::Listener , sf::Mouse , sf::SoundSource , sf::Transformable , sf::Window
- setPrimitiveType() : sf::VertexArray
- setProcessingInterval() : sf::SoundRecorder
- setRadius() : sf::CircleShape
- setRelativeToListener() : sf::SoundSource
- setRepeated() : sf::RenderTexture , sf::Texture
- setRotation() : sf::Transformable , sf::View
- setScale() : sf::Transformable
- setSize() : sf::RectangleShape , sf::View , sf::Window
- setSmooth() : sf::RenderTexture , sf::Texture
- setString() : sf::Text
- setStyle() : sf::Text
- setTexture() : sf::Shape , sf::Sprite
- setTextureRect() : sf::Shape , sf::Sprite
- setTitle() : sf::Window
- setUpVector() : sf::Listener
- setUri() : sf::Http::Request
- setValue() : sf::ThreadLocal
- setVerticalSyncEnabled() : sf::Window
- setView() : sf::RenderTarget
- setViewport() : sf::View
- setVirtualKeyboardVisible() : sf::Keyboard
- setVisible() : sf::Window
- setVolume() : sf::SoundSource
- shader : sf::RenderStates
- Shader() : sf::Shader
- Shape() : sf::Shape
- shift : sf::Event::KeyEvent
- size : sf::Event
- Slash : sf::Keyboard
- Socket() : sf::Socket
- SocketSelector() : sf::SocketSelector
- Sound() : sf::Sound
- SoundBuffer() : sf::SoundBuffer
- SoundRecorder() : sf::SoundRecorder
- SoundSource() : sf::SoundSource
- SoundStream() : sf::SoundStream
- Space : sf::Keyboard
- Sprite() : sf::Sprite
- SrcAlpha : sf::BlendMode
- SrcColor : sf::BlendMode
- start() : sf::SoundRecorder
- Status : sf::Ftp::Response , sf::Http::Response , sf::Socket , sf::SoundSource
- stencilBits : sf::ContextSettings
- stop() : sf::Sound , sf::SoundRecorder , sf::SoundStream
- Stopped : sf::SoundSource
- StrikeThrough : sf::Text
- String() : sf::String
- Style : sf::Text
- substring() : sf::String
- Subtract : sf::BlendMode , sf::Keyboard
- system : sf::Event::KeyEvent
- SystemStatus : sf::Ftp::Response
- SystemType : sf::Ftp::Response