The Variables Window


The Variables Window
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During debugging and while the interpreter is stopped at a breakpoint , the Variables window displays the local and global variables for the selected stack frame in the Call Stack window which is usually the top frame.   The left pane shows a hierarchical view with the value of each variable.  Any Python object with a dictionary interface (classes, objects, dictionaries etc.) can be expanded so that key-value pairs are inspected.  Variables that have been changed or are new while stepping through code are color coded.  Changed variables are displayed with red color and new variables with blue color.  The left hand pane of the Variables window displays the type, value and documentation of the selected variable.
When the debugger is not active the Variables window displays the global variables of the interpreter.

You cannot change the values of variables in this window.   In fact you cannot change local function variables while debugging in Python (the locals dictionary is read-only).  Global variables can be changed though in the Interactive Interpreter window.
