The Search Menu


The Search Menu
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Display the "Find" toolbar

Find Next
Search forward for the next match of a previously defined search

Find previous
Search backwards for the next match of a previously defined search

Display the "Find Toolbar" showing the replace text field

Highlight Search Text
Highlights all occurrences of the search text

Find in Files..
Display the "Find in Files" dialog

Go To Line..
Displays an input box for entry of a line number and the repositions the cursor to that line number

Go To Syntax Error
Jump to the first syntax error (if any) in the active script

Go To Debugger Position
Jump to the current execution line of the debugger if the debugger is active

Find Function..
Displays the "Find Function" dialog.

Find Next Reference
Moves the cursor to the next occurance of the identifier containing the caret

Find Previous Reference
Moves the cursor to the previous occurance of the identifier containing the caret

Matching Brace
If the cursor is at a brace ('(', ')', '[', ]', '{' , '}' ) moves the cursor to the matching brace.

Find Definition
Finds the definition of the identifier containing the caret

Find References
Finds references of the identifier containing the caret

The Find Toolbar

PyScripter provides a Firefox like Find Toobar for search or replace  functionality:


The last button in Toolbar allows you to select different search options from the menu below:


Here is a brief explanation of the options:

Search From Caret
If checked the search begins from the cursor position, otherwise from the top of the file.

Auto Case Sensitive
Case sensitive search when .the search text contains upper case characters.

Case Sensitive
Specifies whether the search is case sensitive.

Whole Words Only
If checked the search is restricted to whole words only .

Search in Selection
If checked the search is restricted to the current selection, otherwise the whole file is searched.

Regular Expressions
If checked the search text is interpreted as a regular expression and the replacement text can contain sub-expressions (e.g. $1).

Incremental Search
If checked, Find Next is executed every time you modify the search text.