The Call Stack Window


The Call Stack Window
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The call stack window includes a list of active threads and displays the Python interpreter call stack while debugging.  It shows the function name and the corresponding source code position for each stack frame.  You can jump to a given code position by double-clicking on a stack frame line.
The pinned thread is the active "broken" thread and the pinned frame is the active frame of the active thread. You should note that the Call Stack window works in tandem with the Variables window, which displays the local and global variables for the selected (active)stack frame in this window. Initially the top stack frame is selected in the Call Stack window. The Watches window evaluates watch expressions inside the active frame. Also commands you issue in the Interpreter window and debugger hints (hovering the mouse on variable names in the editor) are also evaluated inside the active frame. You can change the active thread and the active frame by selecting with the mouse a different one.
Debugger commands
The Resume command (F9) resumes execution of all broken threads.  All other debug commands (e.g. Step in, Step over, Step out) resume execution of the active thread only.
Two commands are provided to change the active stack frame using the keyboard and without having to switch view to the Call Stack Window.
Previous Frame
Select previous (older) frame (default shortcut F11)
Next Frame
Select next (newer) frame (default shortcut Shift+F11)