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Version 3.6 (January 12, 2019)

  • New features:
    • Much faster Remote Engine using asynchronous Windows named pipes if pywin32 is available.
    • IDE option to force the use of sockets for connection to the Python server now defaults to False
    • Enhancements to the SSH Engine- now compatible with PuTTY
    • Execute system commands in the interpreter with ! - supports parameter substitution
    • Clickable status panels with Python version and engine type
    • Text drag & drop between PyScripter and other applications (#554)
    • Triple-click selects line and Quadraple-click selects all
    • Double-click drag selects whole words - triple-click drag selects whole lines
    • Consistent syntax color themes accross supported languages (#855)
    • New IDE option "Trim trailing spaces when saving files" (#667)
    • New IDE Option 'Step into open files only'. Defaults to False. (#510)
    • Localization of the installer
  • Issues addressed:
    • #624, #743, #857, #904, #922, #927, #928, #929, #936

Version 3.5 (November 15, 2018)

  • New features:
    • Work with remote files from Windows and Linux machines as if they were local
    • Run/debug scipts remotely on Windows and Linux servers
    • Python 3 type hints used in code completion
    • Connection to python server with Windows named pipes. Avoids firewall issues. Requires the installation of pywin32 (pip install pywin32).
    • IDE option to force the use of sockets for connection to the python server. (default True)
    • New Editor commands Copy Line Up/Down (Shift+Alt+Up/Down) and Move Line Up/Down (Alt + Up/Down) as in Visual Studio
    • PyScripter icons given a facelift by Salim Saddaquzzaman
    • Upgraded rpyc to 4.x. As a result Python 2.5 is no longer supported.
  • Issues addressed:
    • #501, #682, #907

Version 3.4.2 (September 9, 2018)

  • New features:
    • New Edit Command Read Only (#883)
    • Files opened by PyScripter from the Python directory during debugging are read only by default to prevent accidental changes.
    • Close All to the Right Editor command added (#866)
    • New editor parameter [$-CurLineNumber] (#864)
    • New IDE Option "File Explorer background processing'. Set to false if you get File Explorer errors.
    • Console output including multiprocessing is now shown in interpreter #891
  • Issues addressed:
    • #645, #672, #722, #762, #793, #800, #869, #879, #889, #890, #893, #896, #898, #899, #906

Version 3.4 (May 5, 2018)

  • New features:
    • Switch Python Engines without exiting PyScripter
    • Faster loading times
    • Initial support for running Jupyter notebooks inside PyScripter
    • Syntax highlighting for JSON files
    • New IDE option "Style Main Window Border"
    • Find in Files and ToDo folders can include parameters (#828)
  • Issues addressed:
    • #627, #852, #858, #862, #868, #872

Version 3.3 (March 14, 2018)

  • New features:
    • Thread debugging (#455)
    •  Form Layout and placement stored in PyScripter.local.ini
  • Issues addressed:
    • #659, #827, #848, #849

Version 3.2 (January 14, 2018)

  • New features:
    • Dpi awareness (Issue 769)
  • Issues addressed:
    • #705, #711, #717, #748

Version 3.1 (December 31, 2017)

  • New features:
    • Code folding
    • Indentation lines
    • New IDE option "Compact line numbers"
    • pip tool added
    • Internal Interpreter is hidden by default
    • KabyleTranslation added
  • Issues addressed:
    • #16, #571, #685, #690, #718, #721, #765, #814, #836

Version 3.0 (October 17, 2017)

  • New features:
    • Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 support
    • New Style Engine (VCL Styles) with high quality choices
    • Visual Style Preview and selection (View, Select Style)
    • Visual Source highlighter theme selection (Editor Options, Select theme)
    • German Translation added

Version 2.6 (March 20, 2015)

  • New features:
    • Python 3.4 support added

Version 2.5 (March 19, 2012)

  • New features:
    • This is the first joint 32-bit and 64-bit version release
    • Python 3.3 support added
    • Recent Projects menu item added
    • Expandable lists and tuples in the Variables window (#583)
    • Expandable watches as in the Variables window (#523)
    • Basic support for Cython files added (#542)
    • New interpreter action Paste & Execute (#500) Replaces Paste with Prompt
    • New PyIDE option "Display package names in editor tabs" default True (#115)
    • New search option "Auto Case Sensitive" (case insensitive when search text is lower case)
    • The Abort command raises a KeyboardInterrupt at the Remote Engine (#618)
    • Incremental search in the Project Explorer matches any part of a filename (#623)
    • New IDE option "File line limit for syntax check as you type" default 1000
  • Issues addressed:
    • #516, #348, #549, #563, #564, #568, #576, #587, #591, #592, #594, #597, #598, #599, #612, #613, #615

Version 2.4.3 (September 20, 2011)

  • New features:
    • 100% portable by placing PyScripter.ini in the PyScripter exe directory
    • Ctrl+Mousewheel for zooming the interpreter (#475)
    • Show docstrings during completion list (#274)
    • New IDE Option "File Change Notification" introduced with possible values Full, NoMappedDrives(default), Disabled (#470)
    • Background color for Matching and Unbalanced braces (#472)
    • New IDE option "Case Sensitive Code Completion" (default True)
    • New IDE option "Complete Python keywords" (default True)
    • New IDE option "Complete as you type" (default True, #473)
    • New IDE option "Complete with word-break chars" (default True)
    • New IDE option "Auto-complete with one entry" (default True, #452)
  • Issues addressed:
    • Command line history not saved
    • Editing a watch to an empty string crashes PyScripter
    • Replace in Find-in-Files now supports subexpression substitution (#332)
    • Import statement completion does not include builtin module names
    • #461, #463, #468, #471, #474, #478, #488, #496, #504, #508, #509, #511, #512, #515, #525, #526, #527, #528, #532, #559, #560

Version 2.4.1 (December 12, 2010)

  • New features:
    • Side-by-side file editing (#214)
    • Enhanced regular expression window (findall - #161)
    • Open file at a specific line:column (#447)
  • Issues addressed:
    • Reduced flicker when resizing form and panels
    • #415, #437, #449

Version 2.3.4 (November 25, 2010)

  • New features:
    • Compatibility with Python 3.1.3rc, 3.2a4
    • Add watches by dragging and dropping text
    • Ctrl + Mouse scroll scrolls whole pages in print preview
    • Search for custom skins first in the Skins subdirectory of the Exe file if it exists
  • Issues addressed:
    • #430, #434, #435, #439, #440, #441, #443, #446

Version 2.3.3 (October 16, 2010)

  • New features:
    • Native unicode strings throughtout (speed improvements on XP)
    • Revamped Code Explorer (#192, #163, #213, #225)
    • Improvements to Code completion
      • Auto-completion for the import statement in python 2.5 and later (#230)
      • Processing of function return statements
      • Background module parsing and caching of parsed modules
    • Start-up python scripts pyscripter_init.py and python_init.py. See help file for details.
    • Imporved "Match Brace" (#426) and New Editor Command "Select to brace"
    • Italian translation by Vincenzo Demasi added
    • Russian translation by Aleksander Dragunkin added
    • New IDE option "Highlight selected word" (#404)
    • New IDE option "Use Python colors in IDE"
    • New Edit command "Copy File Name" available at the contex menu of the tab bar
    • New commands "Previous Frame", "Next Frame" to change frame using the keyboard (#399)
    • JavaScript and PHP Syntax Highlighters added
  • Issues addressed:
    • #103, #239, #267, #270, #271, #294, #317, #324, #343, #378, #395, #403, #405, #407, #411, #412, #413, #419, #421, #422, #425, #432


Version 2.1.1 (August 20, 2010)

  • New features:
    • Support for Python 3.2
    • New IDE Option added "Jump to error on Exception" (#130)
    • New IDE Option added "File template for new python scirpts" (#385)
    • New IDE Option added "Auto completion font" (#365)
    • French translation by Groupe AmiensPython added
  • Bug fixes:
    • #297, #307, #346, #354, #358, #371, #375, #376, #382, #384, #387, #389

Version 2.0 (July 30, 2010)

  • New features:
    • Support for Python 2.7
    • Moved to Rpyc v3.07, now bundled with PyScripter
    • IDE Option "Reinitialize before run" was added defaulting to True
    • The default Python engine is now the remote engine
    • Spanish translation by Javier Pim s (incomplete) was added
  • Bug fixes:
    • #236, #304, #322, #333, #334

Version (May 20, 2009)

  • New features:
    • Updated theme engine with customizable themes
    • Python 3.1 support
  • Bug fixes:
    • #269, #273, #278, #291, #292

Version (Feb 16, 2009)

  • New features:
    • Remote interpreter and Debugger
    • Python 2.6 and 3.0 support
    • Project Explorer supporting multiple run configurations with advanced options
    • New debugger command: Pause
    • Execute selection command added (Ctrl-F7)
    • Interpreter command history improvements:
      • Delete duplicates
      • Filter history by typing the first few command characters
      • Up|Down keys at the prompt recall commands from history
    • Code Explorer shows imported names for (from ... import) syntax (12)
    • Improved sort order in code completion
    • Save modified files dialog on exit
    • Finer control on whether the UTF-8 BOM is written
      • Three file encodings supported (Ansi, UTF-8, UTF-8 without BOM)
    • IDE option to detect UTF-8 encoding (useful for non-Python files)
    • IDE options for default linebreaks and encoding for new files
    • Warning when file encoding results in information loss
    • IDE option to position the editor tabs at the top
    • IDE Windows navigation shortcuts
    • Pretty print intperpreter output option (on by default)
    • Pyscripter is now Vista ready
    • Docking window improvements
    • PYTHONDLLPATH command line option so that Pyscripter can work with unregistered Python
    • Watches Window: DblClick on empty space adds a watch, pressing Delete deletes (45)
    • Wrapping in Search & Replace (38)
    • New IDE Option "Save Environment Before Run" (50)
    • New IDE command Restore Editor pair to Maximize Editor (both work by double clicking the Tabbar)
    • New IDE Option "Smart Next Previous Tab" (z-Order) on by default (20)
    • Word Wrap option exposed in Editor Options
    • New File Reload command
    • Import/Export Settings (Shortcuts, Highlighter schemes)
    • New IDE option "Auto-reload changed files" on by default (25)
    • New menu command to show/hide the menu bar. The shortcut is Shift-F10 (63)
    • New command line option --DPIAWARE (-D) to avoid scaling in VISTA high DPI displays (77)
    • New command line option --NEWINSTANCE (-N) to start a new instance of PyScripter
    • You can disable a breakpoint by Ctrl+Clicking in the gutter
    • Syntax Errors are indicated by icon in the tabbar (93)
    • Command to jump to the first syntax error (Shift+Ctrl+E)
    • New Firefox-like search/replace interface
    • Incremental Search (100)
    • New command "Highlight search text" (Shft+Ctrl+H)
    • New command line option --DEBUG (-B) to use debug version of Python dll (108)
    • New command "Word wrap" visible in the Editor toolbar (112)
    • New command "Go to Debugger Position" (118)
    • The size of the auto completion list is now persisted
    • Split Editor View (31)
    • New parameter $CmdLineArgs that returns the active command line arguments and can be used with external tools
    • New IDE options "Editor code completion" and "Interpreter code completion" which can be used to disable code completion
    • New IDE option "Show Tab Close Button"
    • New debugger command "Post mortem" (26)
    • New IDE option "Post mortem on exception"
    • Auto-resizing the fields of list views by double clicking on column separators
    • Advanced search and replace external tool added (uses re.sub)
    • Enhanced Execute Selection command (73)
    • Two new IDE options added (Dock Animation Interval and Dock Animation Move Width - 134)
    • Toolbar customization
    • Two new IDE options added ("Interpreter History Size" and "Save Command History") (#131)
    • Cut and copy without selection now cut and copy the current line (as in Visual Studio, #64)
    • Removed the Interpeter options "Clean up Namespace" and "Clean up sys.modules"
    • Improved HTML, XML highlighting with code completion and Web preview
    • C/C++ highlighting added
    • Two new interpreter commands added: Copy without prompts, and Paste with prompts (#183)
    • Localization using gettext (Japanese, Chinese and Greek translations added)
    • YAML highlighter added
  • Bug fixes
    • Shell Integration - Error when opening multiple files
    • Configure External Run - ParseTraceback not saved properly
    • Order of tabs not preserved in minimised docked forms
    • sys.argv contained unicode strings instead of ansi strings
    • Bug fixes and improvements in Editor Options Keystrokes tab (#6)
    • Better error handling of File Open and File Save
    • Page Setup Header and Footer not saved (#7)
    • Hidden Tabbed windows reappearing when restarting
    • Duplicate two-key editor command not detected
    • "Clean up namespace" and "Clean up sys modules" settings become effective after restarting PyScripter
    • Exception when setting the Active Line Color in Editor Options dialog
    • Raw_input does not accept unicode strings
    • Error in docstring extraction (#11)
    • Fixed some problems with the toggle comment command
    • Fixed rare bug in restoring layout
    • Code tips wrong if comments are present among parameters (#15)
    • Notification of file changes can miss files (#17)
    • Certain syntax coloring options were not saved
    • ToDo List did not support encoded files and unicode
    • ToDo List did not support multiline comments (#14)
    • Fixed bug in IDE Shortcuts dialog
    • Swapped the positions of the indent/dedent buttons (#23)
    • Syntax highlighter changes to the interpreter are not persisted
    • Multiple target assignments are now parsed correctly
    • Gutter gradient setting not saved
    • Disabling a breakpoint had no effect
    • Tab order not preserved when restarting PyScripter
    • Disassembly and Documentation views not working with remote engines
    • More robust "Reinitialize" of remote Python engines (Issues 143, 145)
    • Shift-Tab does not work well with the Trim Trailing Spaces editor option
    • #28, #32, #39, #40, #41, #46, #47, #48, #49, #52, #55, #56, #57, #65, #66, #67, #70, #71, #72, #74, #75, #76, #81, #82, #83, #86, #88, #90, #91, #92, #94, #96, #98, #99, #100, #102, #105, #106, #107, #109, #113, #117, #119, #120, #120, #122, #123, #125, #132, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138, #139, #140, #141, #146, #147, #150, #153, #155, #160, #164, #165, #166, #167, #168, #169, #171, #174, #178, #182, #186, #193, #195, #196, #197, #198, #201, #202, #204, #206, #208, #212, #219, #226, #228, #229, #234, #235, #237, #253, #261

Version 1.7.2 (Oct 26, 2006)

  • New features:
    • Store toolbar positions
    • Improved bracket completion now also works with strings (#4)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Bracket highlighting with non default background
    • Opening wrongly encoded UTF8 files results in empty module
    • File Format (Line End) choice not respected
    • Initial empty module was not syntax highlighted
    • Save As dialog had no default extension set
    • Unit Testing broken (regression)
    • Gap in the default tool bar (#3)

Version 1.7.1 (Oct 15, 2006)

  • New features:
    • Repeat scrolling of editor tabs
    • Massively improved start up time
    • Faster Python source file scanning
  • Bug fixes:
    • Infinite loop with cyclical Python imports

Version 1.7 (Oct 14, 2006)

  • New features:
    • Unicode based editor and interactive interpreter
    • Full support for Python source file encodings
    • Support for Python version 2.5 and Current User installations
    • Check syntax as you type and syntax hints (IDE option)
    • Tab indents and Shift-Tab unindents (Editor Options - Tab Indents)
    • Editor Zoom in/out with keyboard Alt+- and Ctrl+mouse wheel
    • Improved Debugger hints and completion in the interpreter
    • work with expressions e.g. sys.path1.
    • for debugger expression hints place the cursor on ')' or ']'
    • Improved activation of code/debugger hints
    • IDE options to Clean up Interpreter namespace and sys.modules after run
    • File Open can open multiple files
    • Syntax highlighting scheme selection from the menu
    • File filters for HTML, XML and CSS files can be customized
    • Option to disable gutter Gradient (Editor Options - Gutter Gradient)
    • Option to disable theming of text selection (Editor Options - theme selection)
    • Option to hide the executable line marks
    • Active Line Color Editor option added. Set to None to use default background
    • Files submenu in Tabs popup for easy open file selection
    • Add Watch at Cursor added to the Run menu and the Waches Window popup menu
    • Pop up menu added to the External Process indicator to allow easy termination of such processes
    • If the Ini file exists in PyScripter directory it is used in preference to the User Directory in order to allow USB storage installations
    • Editor options for each open file are persisted
    • Auto close brackets in the editor
    • Improved speed of painting the Interpreter window
    • Interactive Interpreter Pop up menu with separately persisted Editor Options
    • Toggle comment (Ctrl+^) in addition to comment/uncomment
    • File Explorer improvements (Favourites, Create New Folder)
    • File Templates
    • Windows Explorer file association (installation and IDE option)
    • Command line history
    • Color coding of new and changed variables in the Variables Window
  • Bug fixes:
    • Gutter glyphs painted when gutter is invisible
    • Sticky bracket highlighting in the interpreter window
    • Selecting lines by dragging mouse in the gutter sets breakpoint
    • Speed improvements and bugfixes related to layouts
    • Error in Variable Windows when showing dictionaries with non string keys
    • File notification error for Novel network disks
    • Wrong line number in External Run traceback message
    • No horizontal scroll in output window
    • Code completion Error with packages containing module with the same name
    • Problem with sys.stdin.readline() and partial line output (stdout) statements
    • Infinite loop when root of package is the top directory of a drive

Version 1.5.1 (Mar 14, 2006)

  • New features:
    • Unit test integration (Automatic generation of tests, and testing GUI)
    • Added highlighting of HTML, XML and CSS files
    • Command line parameters for scripts run internally or debugged
    • IDE shortcut customization
    • Conditional breakpoints
    • Persistence of breakpoints, watches, bookmarks and file positions
    • Save and restore IDE windows layouts
    • Generate stack information when untrapped exceptions occur and give users the option to mail the generated report
    • Running scripts does not polute the namespace of PyScripter
    • Names in variables window are now sorted
    • Allow only a single Instance of Pyscripter and open command line files of additional invocations at new tabs
    • Interpreter window is now searchable
    • Added option to File Explorer to browse the directory of the Active script
    • New distinctive application icon thanks to Frank Mersmann and and Tobias Hartwich
    • File Explorer autorefreshes
    • Improved bracket highlighting
    • User customization (PyScripter.ini) is now stored in the user's Application Data direcrory to support network installations(breaking change). To restore old settings copy the ini file to the new location.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Resolved problems with dropping files from File Explorer
    • Restore open files options not taken into account
    • Resolved problems with long Environment variables in Tools Configure
    • Resolved problems with help files
    • Reduced problems with running wxPython scripts
    • Changing the Python Open dialog filter did not affect syntax highlighting
    • CodeExplorer slow when InitiallyExpanded is set
    • Help related issues
    • Other fixes

Version 1.3 (Dec 18, 2005)

  • New features:
    • Code completion in the editor (Press Ctrl+Space while or before typing a name)
    • Parameter completion in the editor (Press Shift+Ctrl+Space)
    • Find definition and find references independent of BicycleRepairMan much faster and arguably better
    • Find definition by clicking works for imported modules and names
    • A new feature-rich Python code parser was developed for implementing the above
    • Improved the Variable Window (shows interpreter globals when not debugging and Doc strings)
    • Improved code and parameter completion in the interactive interpreter
    • Integrated regular expression tester
    • Code and debugger hints
    • Set the current directory to the path of the running script
    • Added IDE option MaskFUPExceptions for resolving problems in importing Scipy
    • Tested with FastMM4 for memory leaks etc. and fixed a couple of related bugs
    • Bug fixes and other improvements

Version 1.2 (Aug 28, 2005)

  • New features:
    • Extended code editor:
      • Context sensitive help on Python keywords
      • Parameterized Code Templates (Ctrl-J)
      • Accept files dropped from Explorer
      • File change notification
      • Detecting loading/saving UTF-8 encoded files
      • Converting line breaks (Windows, Unix, Mac)
    • Editor Views
      • Disassembly
      • HTML Documentation (pydoc)
      • To Do List
      • Find and Replace in Files
      • Parameterized Code Templates
      • Choice of Python version to run via command line parameters
      • Run Python Script externally (highly configurable)
      • External Tools (External run and capture output)
      • Integration with Python tools such as PyLint, TabNanny, Profile etc.
      • Powerful parameter functionality for external tool integration
      • Find Procedure
      • Find Definition/Find references using BicycleRepairMan
      • Find definition by clicking and browsing history
      • Modern GUI with docked forms and configurable look&feel (themes)


Version 1.0 (Apr 13, 2005)

  • Initial release