Editor Features


Editor Features
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The editing component of PyScripter is based on Synedit.  Synedit is a highly customizable that offers a large number of features including:
·    Syntax highlighting of Python files
·     Code folding
·    Drag and drop editing
·    Line numbers
·    Numbered bookmarks
·    Practically unlimited file size
·    Automatic detection of Unix and Mac files
·    MBCS (multi-byte character set) support

PyScripter has adapted Synedit for the purpose of editing Python files and has added the following features:

·    Context aware indentation of source code lines
·    Code Completion
·    Brace Highlighting
·    Python source code utilities ((un)tabify, (un)comment, (un)indent)
·    Context sensitive help on Python keywords
·    Parameterized Code Templates
·    Accept files dropped from Explorer
·    File change notification
·    Detecting loading/saving UTF-8 encoded files
·    Converting line breaks (Windows, Unix, Mac)

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