Run Configurations


Run Configurations
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Using the Project Explorer, you can create multiple Run Configurations which offer some more advanced options than those available when you run/debug the active script.  You can create run configurations by selecting "Add Run Configuration" from the context menu of the "Run Configurations" node of the Project Explorer.  The following dialog box is then displayed.

Here follows an explanation of the main fields:

Description (optional):
A short description of the purpose of this run configuration.  It is currently only used as a hint, when hover the mouse on top of the run configuration in the project explorer.

File Name:
The name of the script you would like to run.  You can select a local or remote file using the buttons next to the edit box.

Command line parameters that are placed in the argv list of the Python sys module before running or debugging scripts.  Note that the script name is automatically inserted as the first argument and should not be specified here.

Working Directory:
If specified the current directory will be changed to this one before running the script and restored back to the original one at the end of the run.

Python Engine:
The engine with which you would like to run or debug the script.

Reinitialze Before Run;
If checked, the Python engine will be reinitialized before running the script.  This is necessary with some GUI scripts.  This option is not available with the internal Python engine.

Save Output:
If checked the output of the script will be saved to the specified file.

Output File Name:
The path of the output file.

Append to File:
If checked output will be appended to that of earlier runs.  Otherwise the most recent output will overwrite earlier output.

Set External Run properties:
Press this button to specify the options for running the script with an external Python interpreter. The various settings are the same as in the External Tools configuration.  By default output is captured and shown at the Output window.

In entering the File Name, Parameters, Working Directory and Output file name you can use parameters and modifiers.

Executing Run Configurations
After defining a Run Configuration you can execute it in three different ways, by selecting the appropriate command from its context menu in the Project Explorer:

·     Run
·     Debug
·     External Run

After the first execution you can use the commands
·     Run last script (Shift+Ctrl+F9)
·     Debug last script (Shift+F9)
·     Run last script externally(Shift+Alt+F9)
to run/debug the last run configuration again.

This commands are available from the toolbar of the Project Explorer.