The Project Explorer Window


The Project Explorer Window
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PyScripter projects server two purposes:
1.   To create and maintain collections of files with which you tend to work together, structured hierarchically in folders and sub-folders.  These folders, do not necessarily correspond to file system folders but instead they may based on some other logical categorization of files, for example based on their type (e.g Html, ini and script files grouped under different folders) . This similar to what other IDEs call Workspaces.
2.   To create and maintain an associated set of Run configurations.
Other PyScripter Tools such as the Find in Files and the Todo list tools are designed can take advantage of projects.

PyScripter projects are saved as "ini" files have the default extension "psproj".  At any point in time one such project is active and if that project is not saved it has the name "Untitiled".  The Project Explorer IDE Window helps you explore and manage PyScripter projects.


The Root project node always has exactly two child nodes:
·     Files
·     Run Configurations

Under the "Files" node you can add files or folders which can contain further files and folders. Under the "Run Configurations" node you can add multiple Run Configurations, which can be used for running and debugging Python Scripts.

Drag & Drop support

You can drag and drop files/folders from the built-in File Explorer or the Windows Explorer onto folder nodes to import these files and folders.  You can also restructure the project by using drag and drop to move project nodes.

Opening files for editing

You can double click on files to open them in the editor.  Alternatively you can select multiple files and select the "Edit" command from the context menu (see below).

Context sensitive menus

There are different context menus available for each type of node:

a)  Window background and Root Project node context menu



New Project
Clear the active project and start a new one.

Open Project
Open a saved project and replace the active one.

Save Project
Save the active project.

Save Project As...
Save the active project under a different name.

Expand All
Expand all project nodes

Collapse All
Collapse all project nodes

Show File Extensions
If this option is set, file extensions are shown, otherwise hidden

Store Relative Paths
If this option is set, project files that are in the same directory as the project file or a subfolder of the directory are saved as file paths relative to the Project file path.

Extra Python Path
This option allows a project specific customization of the Python Path.  Extra directories specified are added to the Python path at the time the project is loaded and every time an engine is reinitialized.

b) Folder context menu



Add File(s)...
Add on or more files to the selected folder using and Open File dialog.

Add Active File
Add the active editor file to the the selected folder.

Add Remote File
Add a remote file to the the selected folder using the remote file dialog.

Add Subfolder
Add a subfolder to the selected folder.

Import Directory...
This command recursively imports a folder with its files and subfolders to the project replicating the directory structure on the disk. 

Rename the selected folder.

Remove the selected folder and its child nodes.

c) File context menu



Open the selected file in the editor.  The same can be done by double-clicking the file name.

Remove the selected file from the project.

Show the standard Windows File Properties dialog for the selected file.

d) Run Configurations node context menu



Add Run Configuration
Create and add to the project a new Run Configuration.

e)  Run Configuration context menu



Run the selected Run Configuration.

Debug the selected Run Configuration.

External Run
Run the selected Run Configuration using an external Python interpreter.

Edit Run Configuration
Edit the selected Run Configuration.

Rename the selected Run Configuration.

Remove the selected Run Configuration.

The Project Explorer Toolbar



New Project
Clear the active project and start a new one.

Open Project
Open a saved project and replace the active one.

Save Project
Save the active project.

Run Last Configuration
Run the Configuration that was run last.

Debug Last Configuration
Debug the Configuration that was run last.

External Run Last Configuration
Run the Configuration that was run last using an external Python interpreter.