The Unit Tests Window


The Unit Tests Window
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This window provides an advanced GUI for running tests based on unittest, the standard Python module.

Toolbar Commands:

Loads unit tests from the currently active module.  Note that this involves importing the module into the integrated interpreter.  After loading a module you can then select (check) the tests you want to run at the provided tree view. Double clicking on a test or a test class name takes you to the source code where the test method or class are defined.

Clears all the tests and related information from this window.

Run the selected tests.  After running the tests their status is indicated by the colour next to the test in the tree view.  Green indicates success, Purple indicates assertion failure and Red indicates a Python exception (i.e. any other error).  The pane below the tree view shows the overall statistics and you can view information about the errors that occurred by clicking on the tests that failed. 

Stop tests
If clicked while running the tests the testing process stops.

Select all
Selects all available tests.

Deselect all
Deselects all available tests.

Select failed tests
After running a set of tests this command selects the tests that were not successful.

Expand all
Expands all tree nodes

Collapse all
Collapses all tree nodes

To use this GUI to run tests from multiple Python files (for example, and create a new script with the following content:

from tests1 import *
from tests2 import *
from tests3 import *

Then use the Unit Tests GUI with that file.  (Press the Refresh button while this file is active).